Show lg I. I O. O O O. O O r. r CHIEf VISITS S1 Sl ON WESTERN ESTERN TOUR Grand Lodge Sire Says Order Has Members Enl Enlargement of the I. I O. O O. O F. F lodge l has as been made recently with the establishment of four new or organizations organizations organizations or- or in foreign countries which with all its branches is JS the largest fraternal organization In n the world Is the statement of Herbert J-ferbert A. A Thompson grand sire of the Sovereign Grand lodge I. I O. O O. O F. F of Detroit Mich Ilch who arrived in n Salt Lake early Tuesday morning accompanied by Mrs Thompson They were met aret at the train by a committee of grand lodge officers rs an and ana officers of the Rebekah lodge A new gran grand I lodge has kas been es established established es- es d in in- Poland and Czecho So a new lodge In Finland an and a Spanish speaking lodge was established established in Cuba last February 28 S said Grand Sire Thompson He and Mrs s. Thompson have Just recently toured the northwestern Canadian provinces on ona a a tour which is taking them throughout hout the United States and Canada They have visits more than forty I. I O. O 0 O. O F. F lodge lodges according to Mr Thompson Next year ear he will tour Europe The lodge at the present time has more mora than members throughout the world and last year paid in relief more than Mr l Thompson stated He ae e further stated that the I. I O. O O. O F. F lodge has fraternal organizations in all aU parts of Europe Our lodge said Mr 11 Thompson was the first lodge by law to bar bars s saloonkeepers from membership and was the first fraternal organIzation organization organ- organ to establish a ladles ladles' auxiliary auxiliary iary fary and also the the first to establish establish lish homes homE's for the aged crippled and orphan Grand Sire Thompson will meet Jn Ja conference with grand officers an and members from all over the st ie ETt HE will be accorded a a. reception at athe atthe atthe the he Odd Fellows Fellows' temple at 8 o o'clock lock Tuesday night to which all Odd Fellows and are Invited Following the reception there will willbe willbe be a business meeting Mr Thompson Thomp Thomp- son stated that he ho would leave for Nevada Wednesday where he will hold a confer conference ne nce with grand officers officers cers of the order there 4 |