Show t Where is Mangels 44 BEY operate te a chain of SIXTY- SIXTY J C-J TWO SPECIALITY SHOPS Four are situated in important shopping centers of Greater New NewY C I Y York Fifty are arc located in l almost every other large city ity i ithe in inthe the country Included among them are New Orleans St Su Louis Chi Chicago ago Salt Lake City Louisville Wheeling g Boston Buffalo Pittsburgh St. St Paul Atlanta Jacksonville etc Buying shipping and executive offices are advantageously advantageously located in the heart of the greatest women's apparel market in the world Our facilities are such that new styles are shown in all our stores simultaneously with their appearance on the Avenue in New York h II an e I fouse Couse I 52 EAST BROADWAY t I I OLIVER TWIST JINGLE SI-JINGLE Wieners Wiener's latest designed Bob I Expert GET ACQUAINTED SPECIAL This coupon and SOc good for forone forone forone one marcel except Saturdays I Mr Wieners Wiener's Beauty Parlor Community Market On Balcony Was j I THIS KARNAK WOULD BE CHEAP AT 1 0 A BOTTLE I Why Its It's Ma Made e Me Feel Like a Million Dollars Dollars' jl So Far as Health Is Is' Concerned Declares I I Denver Man Gains 12 Pounds Yes sir Im I'm telling everybody about Karnak Karnai these days dars and heres here's the reason why why why-It it has taken just lust two bottles of this medicine to tree free me from stomach troubles that I had suffered for two years and to build me up 12 pounds in weight besides declares C. C L. L Shipman we well known painter living flying at 1928 1528 Grant St. St Denver Colo Cob Continuing his statement Mr I Shipman says Two years ago I had the flu and ever since lv Iv Ive I've suffered suf suf- with severe stomach troubles Everything I ate would sour sout on my I stomach and cause me to belch gas I would have awful headaches too too and felt dull and tired out before I even ven started a days day's w work rk I had aggravating pains across the small of my back that Just seemed to take all the life lite out of me and antI in fact I felt most any anyway anyway anyway way but right Well sir a n friend of mine in Kansas City wrote me and told me how Karnak had fixed him up and told me I should get some and Ill I'll tell the world right now five tive botties bottles bottles bot bot- ties of this medicine has hs made me feel like a million dollars as ns far tar as asgood asgood asgood good health And eat Say I eat three good square meals a day and between f fl I C. C CL L. L Shipman meals too and everything agrees with me perfectly Nights I sleep like a top and I get up mornings feeling as full of life and pep 33 as a n school boy You bet Karnak has put me in the pink of condition all ail over It would be cheap at 10 10 a bottle and I just want to pass th good word on to everybody to be sure and give this medicine a trial trIa Karnak Is sold In Salt Lake City exclusively by S Johnson Schramm-Johnson Drugs 5 stores and the Owl Drug Co Main and Second So South Soth th streets and by the leading druggist in every town Ad Advertisement t OCT OCTOBER mALE AL WALLA WALL PAPER AND A PAINTS BEDROOM PARLOR AND KITCHEN PAPERS Regular value for per roll S Regular SOc values for per roll 7 I Regular value for per roll roll 10 I and grades per roll 12 Oatmeal papers per roll 15 IS Polychrome papers per roll 33 Varnish papers per roll Package House Home Paint per gallon House Home Paint 1 2 gallon House Paint per quart 80 SOP Best grade Floor Paint quart I. I 95 i p PW Ir gallon f. f YANKEE POLISH FOR FURNITURE SOc size special 30 size ize special 65 Johnsons Johnson's or Old English Floor Wax Ib lb 70 Trial size White Enamel with brush 25 f ye V. WALL PAPER AND PAINT Phone Wasatch 23 West Broadway r rIf If WYOMING 7 1 I Wednesday Until Noon LARD 8 pail pure I Il l white and fresh I I OATS Quaker Large Quick pr PEAS P 1 AS A 3 caris cans sweet tender 33 SQ Early June STEAK perr il a and Round n Uc STEAK T T roi B 20 Puritan Bacon Briskets r 29 ALL DAY BARGAINS g 1 MACARONI U bS fresh CHEESE l I f Cream HEINZ CA CATSUP TS P b ff I 3 Sandwich sc 33 Machine Soap Large Feet's Feets p. p COCOA 35 HONEY HONE pure Quart Jar clear A and ge RICE i Blue 5 IU lbs Rose clean 5 CORN O A New 2 cans Pack 5 SYRUP 2 Cane lb and cars can Maple pure Pancake Flour db 35 C COFFEE OFF the 1 I lb lb- best Skaggs' Skaggs there White r Is Is Wrap I IDAHO |