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Show Intcniprraiifr. ami lnoiaiirr. Tho diiwto on tho ipieallou, "llo-tolved, "llo-tolved, full Intemperance haa cauiul more crime and mlaery han lguor mice," betwitn tho "i M. 0. A. and the S .11 IjiVc I.yciuni, will lako i lam piztTueaday livening, the Sth Inaf., attho llamtnoiid Half. Thedelntera urn "eager for thu fray." and bubbling over with facta and I Irai for the consideration con-sideration of the j untie. An excelli nt programme hat iicen olberwtat re-jaieil re-jaieil aud on nltogithtr inlotablo lime la anticipated. Tho programme w III ej pear In Saturday t N n 8. |