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Show Till. UEPUIHilCAXS II llirrlaliurg, I'ninijlitnlii, lilopt a lhlfurm and Luluglxo llltinr. some opposition tothc duinc PLANK A Motion to Podorsc Him as CanilldAte for lite l'restilriiry la IS'll Willtilrann. Ur Tslcrrssb to us N atvs.1 NiincrAitr in nr. the r.nn,jl,nU ll..iil,llrns "ll I ,ttnl,,iu. Atntiil Ulna llAliiiiinunti, Penn, August 10. Thu ounvtlitlotl reassembled at t SW ! m Johu It. Llklns, uf Indians county was undo ptrmanchl chair mau. Hemaleasb irt aJdress. ills reftrtneuto lllaluo was gnctetl stllli chirrs "Thu uno thing maairy for lteubllcan buccvmi lu I'tnnslvanla this fall " hu tleilsrel, "Is harmony." The cuiiimlltuu on rerilutlous reitorted tho iilatlirin. In regard to lllaliie the resolutions declare! "it has been wllh a special gratlflov lion that thn lie) ubllcans of this com-monwtallh com-monwtallh havu observul thu brilliant itdinlulstratliiuufthorltatiidtpitlinent lyonuof Puiiiisylvaula's nallvu sons, whosu superb dliomcy has elcctrlflt-d tlteluartsof nil true Amirlc-ins, tx aetid from foreign s.op!es a degree of rtsjAclandaliuiratlonfur tho Cnlted Hlitts llig hitherto uncqualed, and 0uts wide to ut lu other lands commercial com-mercial gates heretofore barred. Thrso magnificent achievements Justlfj thn conllltnco nud furnish a new occasion for la lo rt affirm tho loyally and devotion nf thu lliuhllc4us of Pennsylvania, to lit r most distinguish t-1 sou, Hon. James O Illalne. Wu favor bimetallism and endorsu the action of the fiftieth congros lu I ru. vldlng for the isirchase and coinage of all silver produced from the American mines, and recnmnienj aueli larttr duties as will prolovt our country and lit currency from thu debast ttieiit which will t irely fillow If this uatlon Is made tlio dumjlng grouud for tlio illvirof the world " The ilttfurm further realllrmt lit devotion to the wtlfuru of the veterau Boldten, In tplto of the mallcloui mi 1 unrelenting Democratic c iosltlon; l Itslges Itself to various slate reforms, including a urn and unteslrlcli J ballot, tax itiusllzatlin, etc, and denounces de-nounces tho unscrusilous palllwuslilp of (lovtruor Pattlsun In vetoing ail apportionment bill, passed In cnm II-auto II-auto wllh conslltullonal direction ly thu late ltetiubllcan Itglslature.uegatlv. lugotlltr legislation, lartlralarly thu Cumpulaory Hducatton bill, having In view tho malerlsl and moral luterests of thuii-ojleof Pennsylvania. . Tho pi ttforiu commends Hits Itepub-llrau Itepub-llrau JIayor, City Hnllcllor, County Coiiitrolltraud District Attorney uf PhllaliljhU for the dlscotery and pruni t prostnutlon uf those guilty of crHclal malft asance. Dlshontxty, It ss)s, Is uoniurtlsan. Twttds aud llardsleys arlso In all iiarllis. The He tubllian lnrty has alwa)i shown iUtlf riady to lunltli ntllclal dis honesty wherover found. Tho Jeglala. ture Is urged to take such action lu thu lnirovement of the Itwt astoabso-lutvly astoabso-lutvly prevent thu usa of public fuulB for Ihu Hiisoniil btnellt of pulillo olllcltli. In conclusion. It retlllrtns the unswerving divollou of Pouusyl. vanla llejiubllcans to the put remu nud sovereign right of uvory lawful citizen to cast a fnii ballot ana have It count, ed, aul duinanlsttlecllvu Iiglihilou within thu cunstltutloiul limit to seiuru the lnltgrlty ami purity uf 1 ederal i lections throughout thu nation. na-tion. riierewas tome opposition to thu lllaluu)aok lu Ihe Istform, ai re lrted by the committee. ABurlglnally j)riareil the plank endorsed Illalne ns he most avsllible candidate for lite Piealdency Iul3.'. This was struck out an I u motion to riluserl It was do i land carried, ami I great confusion. Thu dicislon was recnnildired, um rotesttfrom vtrlout .aitt of thehouse, andthumoilouwllhdrawu. Tliu plat form waa thin adoptid. lor AudttoMieneral. (lenrrsl I). M. Midregg nud Amos Myllu were i lacetl lu iioniluatlon. On (ho firA ballot (Irtgg wot uoinlualed by u large majority, and the nomination was arterwnrds made unanimous. Tor Htatu Treasurer Calalu John W. Morrison of Alleghanj,, Caltb (I, Thoinson of Warren and Mill's D. Price ut 1 rle w cie nominated. On the first ballut Morrison received 1C7, rtioiiipson, 31, Thu nomination was made unanlmous,aiid brlif sjn-oches of accij tanco wire made. 1j. A. Waters wu elected chair man of the rjtalu committee tusuccetxl W. 11. Andrews. The contention adjourned iijio die. |