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Show Salt lube Cntmiy Itrpiiellctu t'ontrnlion, A Republican roneeuflon for Bait Lake county Ithireby rallel to met I at the federal Court roomln Hilt I.ile Cll on Wedneeday, AugutlSstb.A.I). tS8l, at I b'clork p. m., fjr the pir posoofelectlrieflllvnlne delrgitea ti IhaTtirlloilal lUiibllian Contention which has liii tailed to iniet on Vcdmalay,Httcniber 3nd, 1601, at 1 1 o'clock a. m. Hal I cou nty convention conven-tion wdl fon.l.t of one hundred and thirty-two delegate! allotted to the several rcclucta as follow,! (VMl WwCs. Ht.l,IIUls(My s-einil ash ijikenir .. ...,n Ihiiil.eallUtalliiL. .... l rotiMh. SsllUkslfir s J "in 'iiiAiiimj,. ii IIIXUollose,oil( ... ...". a tllen ",, f llnalilua.... M ,, d lisiut. ,..... . "' 1 ifTinrrcrVsk'.'.'.., r.T"";.".'.. lrAnt-crl.... ... T.......llri a . ii "is"".'.'...".. ..VV.V.V.T7... t IC.mm.n ...... .... tun tress , J...,, ",7. 4 SlwqsrtIB licit. ., ., ,, e NunliJonlsn ..... t Nirtbl,lst f I I....M iit.t , .... :;.. . nusri n t 1 fulh Jordsa .. .,., ,.,, 3 a4MllhtJftllJ, won-r..."' "... 4 uir Home ,. a I Moa V. .".'.'".'.'".'"' t West Jordsa ..,. Tolsl L1 Ih'publlcans of the various prtclnctt will init-t at thtlr usual slllh laces tu elect these Hi legates on Monday veiling, August Slth, at 8 o'clock p. Hi., unlm btlurwlst, diiilguated, or unless the chnlrmanof tlm lteulllcau trniu-lnrganlatloii ubllehea notlte nf nieellng flat win ru. Kirsliirecliitt, Halt l.nko City, will mi el nt the Hecond ward mettliig houtej H,roiid prtclnct nt County (Jmirt hoiiae; rhlrd rwluct at Hla-Itteulh Hla-Itteulh Want achonl Iioum ; fourth nrt-tlnctat nrt-tlnctat l.lghtiviilh ward lndctidnt school houae: fifth imvlnct at rioolal Hall. ' llyurderof tliumwiity commlttet'. Jaii;1 IHvint, fjhalnuaii. UixjiiukM, Cammiv, Hitrttar). |