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Show Vgror for Liberia. TIvo times since the war nn attemrt has been made to induce a great migration migra-tion movement of Americans to Liberia, and four times It has failed, Ih Senator Sena-tor Hruce declares tho fifth experiment Is going to full, too, but perhaps Mr. Hrnco doea net know. Certain It Is that Hcnjamln Uaston, a colored citizen of Liberia, but a uitlra of the United States, Is now tn this country, traveling through tho south making speeches, endeavoring by all means In his power to stir np among the colored pcopleauenthublaMii for Liberia. His headquarters are In Washington. Mr (la ton Is agent for the Llberian LmIgratloncoinpauy,cf which President Chcetetnan, of the republic cf Ltbcrli, himself Is 1 resident With Go ton is Captain Murray, of n Liverpool steamship steam-ship Hue, which wauts tho Job of transporting trans-porting American colored peojlo to Africa. Captain Murray declares his company lias in Liberia n thousand milts of land waiting for colon lit, and the soU Is 1 roil ro-il uc tiro, aud the climate bealthfuL Tl e beat mahogany weal In tbo world Is comprised within this thousand miles, and there are many ether sources cf ra-t wealth. In brief, theso gentlemen eloquently elo-quently urge tho colored man to mlgrato to Uberla, where he can bo somebody, aud not only that, bnt a rich somebody. |