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Show Tl'E LAUOK GOXaUKSS. 1 1' '-H All C'anJI.Iilcs for I'alillc flfflro mutt ' i itfeH Accept the Hoclillitl'rogriininc, H . They I I 'IKH WORKINOMCII SHOULD LAUORrOR " iaBfl uocruL RcroRMs H J BH An American Delegate Declare for Opta aVi fsHr Ubor Mar, lllttuitlon aIiudI Bbji mUSL Hie Jews. rlTB FBI IIJT.tstrsrbloll.sMies.1 ltlr BaW Tin. run iai lam lj Kfsa lial Iher aee llslna alike llruas.ls J' jB lli.urm m, August 19. The llrltl.ti S delegates to tho Hotlallst Workmen's i 1 HW Coti!ri- today yielded to the HebU .' ' tM amsndment i rovl ling that all cindl 1 W dales for iHiblto olllcemust accaptllte Wm lullHoelallat irogramme, the llrltlsti ,.' , ' declsrlng themseitta labor and nut y , 1 !, soilslltt ilelt gales. Tney a loptetl n ii 7K.. nwdlflt-d n3rullou to ttie elicit that X , mV' workmen sUoul I exert their political it iVV) rights to sn-ure any usclutn form Tho l , W' congress, alter a lengthy discussion, ii , MM , sMd the reaxilutluii virtually as A Fflal niotimeil by lhe llrttlsli delegattsa.wltli t' , j MR t n rovlrlou thai thera, In, organlza-d lu ' Jkmri everyctiiinlyaptrmantnt comtulaslou ' ; saB:' to lLiUlru Into the condition ot labor. B af Onutaltati uf America sail It was I , H' u.iIim to lieg, crlugu aud fawnlir I I B nteiirulltgUliiiuu. "We must ford. 1, Bi' bly exact reforms and the nlullllou of II kw.i thaexlallngwagusislem." Hu waul 5, HLJ ed the t-ongress to declare plainly for a i ,MUWM almrwsr 1 ,'mMWw After Ihu rt solution was ado) ted lie MW'J 0elied a discussion oil lhe sttllude of '' ' iwWLf lal,r toward tho Jews, aud urged sm- ,' uMWW inthy toward the latta r. This started h ?!kmm w leugthy dabslt, thu comnilttt-s re. Jj iVHa,A Iirtlng agaluat anil-Heiiilllimaaade- ,11 '-B1 vite of ntjlullat. U tow disunion J ' sHj among tho workingmtn, while insny Bli swakera remludid lhe cougnas that I iVA. Jewish haukcra and financiers wers fi L. Hfe also great op rt-ssors. Mnally a reso. 1 ;f liltlou was irnsied coudemnlng both ,l! H anll-Himltlsm and Jewish llnauclal & I kW ttrran). Thu ltus.lblllty of neon- 2, ,, K illhllonof conlllillng opinions Is the l saVvl the keynote of what the proceedlugi of II sS thecougrcss are, tho dlscusslouskad i ! Inir to tu, airtrllral result.. i 1 as T. |