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Show Tin: (ioti.itvMi.xr ami tiik CATIIOIIf uniouLs. In 190 the United Htah-a (lovern. ment appropriated about tl,afto,0O0 for educating the Indiana. A large portion, por-tion, if not all, of that auin hat bun given to Catholic Minion Hi-hoola that have hci. ettablltbeJ on anl about the aevcrnl agvncltt. )lartTt Wttltj doet not think thlt It thoprojicr thlng,and enlcrt a aoltmn rotcit agalntt IU continuance. II doet not iindentand iifpoia what theory of the Couttltutlon the MtthvdltU, and rreabyterlantand Ilapllttt, etc., of tho United Htatea thoul.l be taxed to mako ronverti to tho Catholic Church. It Joei not think the government can conilttently go Into any tuch partner, hip with fatholklim or any other aertarlan ordi r for the education of I la dependculf. That the arringomtnt la not only a violation of Ihe tplrlt of tlio ronttltu. lion, but It highly repugnant to the large inajvlty of cltliana, It a fact that thonldlieed no) roof. The iUilloll of the merltt or demerlti of the Itoman Catholic Church li not a ranaldrrallon In the premltet. At n rulu eople wlu are not of that church are agalnil It with all their tiilghL The fact l, the mtjorlly ot protnt-ant protnt-ant churchmen would opiiote tho tub-Idltlngofeveii tub-Idltlngofeveii their own church by the government In the remotett faahlon. Anything that aiiggeili a mingling of church matter! with the alfalra of Htauj It oOVmlve, and, thlt maulfett Incljnatlon of the Cathollct to tretpatt atrntathellnei, oven In the tillcltlng ofalmt, la aud ihoull bo rrillwl on the t. If Ihe amount appropriated for tho i-ilucatlon of tho lullana It not aile-luate, aile-luate, tho govirnmtut could far Utter afford to double or ipiadrupl tho aum than to do what It It doing. Tha Catholic themtelvei uught to agri-v with thlt. The tllght advantage It give them over other denomination! It more than counter hahanccd by tho hoatlllty It create among lion-be Haven. |