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Show MlllTIIKKV JUNES. The I'ach) Ulley Mining lirr-I!lacL-itnllh I'orla I'anron. Whllo it Is doubllem true lliatan lot-meii-e dejioslt of galena has hetu dls-covereil dls-covereil near l'arj Use, Cache county, the mining eiclttment thertby veev sloiud has bien accomanlil by ru-mora ru-mora and statements rf alltged facts that are uiitruu and mlsltadlng. Ihe aMerllon that mineral dlaoovertee of Imjvjrtance htvo rectntly ltn made In lllacksnillli KorkcanonU untrue. Tho location made hy Miaars. Wllaon, Hl!l)ard, l'ltclur and Hill, In that canton, which Ins ten talked of a grott deal as proof of thu mluirnl wealth uf Itlatksnilth fork raiinn, watonntlalm that has Ut'ii worktii for six yeais past by Mr. I'. A. Nellsen of Logan, and Mllllll the locatora U poaed ha I bun abandontxl. Mr. Sellten, however, claims hi have done, each jcar, utmi therlilni. thonmount of work necia-tary necia-tary In doll It. He has tindd almut (1,000 In nil Uam It. This Is the only remising rosx-ct In thu caii)on uuli-ts cthtts have ltn dlsrovtred since Monday last. Along the face of it irpindlcutar I lull of llmentone formation is shown n elnof ilium about four feel thick, which ii-UiiJj ii-UiiJj la a hcrl-onlsl Hue along tho fate of the mountain and tall be Irated for a loug distance. , At the point where Mr. Ntltteu made his location tli or ssvui jrirs ago, Ihe crop) lugs of this vein hear galena In considerable consider-able ijuanlitles. Mr. Nellaun tuninsled Into tho blutr an I found that Hit calm bearing tclu of ijusrlt I ItcheJ downward at an angle of about Mdeg rue, and from ndlsta nte of twelve or llfteen feet the ore waa very good. Tin n the ore w a exhausted liilhat dlrettlou, an I, acting on the advice ad-vice of men claiming hi be exrta, Mr. Nellsen auuk a vertical shall In the mouth of the tunnel, going down 43 hi t wlthuut llndlug any trace of ore. Ilia opinion Is that he did wrong, and slioul I havu driven the tunutl fiitther In, In a dlrtttlou )arallil with Ihe quirti vtln. llialdws gnleua, the latter bears gol J, co r, Iron, tic, and at the mouth of Ihe tunnel looks very well, atfd has jlildeil osaayi In gold und slhrr varying from f.l tu (I0i) -r Ion. Hettral ither irosptcli In the vicinity of this mine were located and worked years ago, but were all abnndoutd. The locations were made and the wurkon them was done by mtn who were not oxporlenced nor practical mluera or prosctors(aud It Istellevtd that thertglou liasnettr Ueu tixamlneil by the latttr What thu result would be weru It to be thoroughly prosUed by gooil pros-it pros-it ctora could only be determined by Ihooiiierlineiit. (laleua cropping abomul In various (arts of logau cannon, and iirobably aomu large deioslls of It could be tiunov-ered tiunov-ered with moneyludklously tindtd. Hainpleti that have leen asaa)id run high In lead, but only moderate In silt or, Willi sometimes a little gold. Many of the assays Indicate laying on, lu Htnlthlleld canyon work Is being done on a few prospeits, two or Ihrte of which jroml-e will; but no very high grade ore has beou struck thtrw yet, though ore that aya fairly well lias been rouuJ. Very little has been done by way of dotehiplng the mineral wealth of northern Utah, and there are not wanting men'whu believe that, when It shall reetlve attention fro'ii oerti and ci Itallsts, It will prove vtry K't. |