Show Gallacher Retains Adams Crown as Johnson Blevins Capture Doubles Lund Johnson and Chick BlevIns who used to battle on opposite sides of the net as collegiate rs f. f are are of k the O. O W. W Adams invitational do doubles doubles dou dou- u- u bles title today i. i Mel Gall a c h her e r t. t 1 time four four time ci city ty j singles champ holds holds his second leg on the Adams' Adams tl 4 singles singles trophy I Hammering out outa 3 a surging flood lood of f drives B Bl I v vins ins r former University W Wot ot Utah net caP cap- x tain and J Johnson John John- 0 h nYi n- n Y i r tison son ex- ex exa Utah ex-Utah ut a h A Agricultural Agri Agri- gr I I i 9 cultural colle college g e J W ace ac 0 det dethroned h r 0 n e d Johnson Earle W. W PeIrce and Dave Freed Sunday at Liberty park 6 3 6 4 6 3 6 1 11 Freed fell before the generalship of Gallacher Gallacher Gallacher Galla Galla- cher 4 6 6 4 8 10 2 6 6 1 The matches Sunday brought a n aJohnson termination to the ten tennis 1 greatest n s season in Zions Zion's history Approximately Approximately d. d I parke t mat e net fans tans s shivered hi ere d through through the park I tussles J i The doubles I fi finale I- I t nale was a nip nip- f U wW and tuck a affair 11 Dol rl throughout Johnson Johnson John John- son and Blevins Y were err erratic n. n tic in get getting tin g started and dropped the J first set The They y r blistered through I 1 the next two cantos can- can L tos a and n d t the then Ii C n fl Blevins dropped the fourth set to even the count The titular frame was a n. gem The pairs battled evenly until the nineteenth game when the ultimate winners cracked Peirce's service and Blevins followed with a triumph on his s own delivery Gallacher looked the winner allor all of or the way against Freed despite the fact that the little general was vIas forced to five hc sets ets Gallacher stormed the barrier to tuck awa away the deciding set Freed presented a n. torrid service erlice I Ith th that t bothered the champion and entertained entertained entertained en- en en en- the crowd at times with a brilliant flow loW o of forehand drives |