Show r.- r. 1 I il Saved From Sea I. I r C. C JOHANNSSEN Safe on Motor Ship HI FLIERS S lOST ON SUf SU SEA FOR f WK SG D DI I V Vessel e s s e I Discovers Plane Floating in Ocean Off Newfoundland Coast DESSAU Germany Sept 21 OP tP- tP I The Junkers Airplane J works received re- re re received 1 today the following message re-I re e I. I from frolD Christian Portugal Portugal- to America flier filer missing since a week weck ago ao today Steamship via Ia Cape I Race Race Alter After floating US hours we ve abandoned the plane and are aboard the J Johannssen I Signed Captain n Br BJ Associated Tress Press HALIFAX N. N S. S Sept 21 21 All All I three fliers filers recently lost on a flight i from Portugal to New York were found today The Norwegian ra bound for Russia from Albany N. N Y reported this morning findIng finding find find- find I 1 Ing the wreckage of the plane In I which Wiley WHey Rod Rody Fernando da daCosta dal Costa Crota Viega and Christian Johannssen Johanns Johanns- sen left Lisbon for New York The Thel sighted the wreckage off I Ithe the Newfoundland coast near where I it was last seen in the air by a steamer I Later another message came from the reporting that two of the fliers filers had been taken from the I wreckage Still later a third message message mes mes- I sage s ge brought word that all three were saved Rody and Johannssen German airmen airmen airmen air air- men and Viega Portuguese sportsman sportsman sports sports- man mm hopped off from Juncal do Sol about 30 miles mUes from Lisbon Portugal al at a a. a m. m E. E S S. T T. September 11 fl bound for New York GRAVE CONCERN FELT Their Junkers metal all-metal plane was heavily laden with gallons allons of gas gas- gasoline oline oUne and gallons of oil They were reported to have passed over the island of Fayal Fayel In the thc Azores at 1247 p. p m. m n E E. E S. S T T. on the da day of their takeoff C. C They last were sighted on September Septem Septem- ber bel 14 at p. p m m. m E. E S. S T TJ Ti b by the steamship about 80 miles mUes southwest from Cape Race Newfoundland Newfoundland Newfoundland New New- and miles mUes C east cost ot of Halifax At that point the plane had completed completed com corn about 2600 miles mlles of its mile mUe flight To reach New York it itI I on on Pare Pace Two SHIP PICKS ur UP UN ON G Continued from Pa Pace Pae e One j had iad to go approximately 1000 miles further GRAVE CONCERT FELT When the planes plane's gasoline supply sufficient for 48 hours expired at a m. m E. E S. S T T. September 15 grave concern was felt for the safety of the fliers lIers The plane had no radio and as the Hers fliers approached the western hemisphere hem heni- overcast skies and electrical storms faced them Rody a year old aviation enthusiast enthusiast enthusiast en en- recently came into a small smaIl Inheritance and promptly spent it on the Junkers Junkel's plane used in the flight light Johannssen a naturalized German born jorn In Denmark had made several long distance flights previously in including In- In in-I in eluding one to the far east His flying experience covered about ten years |