Show fE FEAR A S1 Sl L. L MAN POISONED WifE fRIEND JAilED H Husband Taken Violently III After Drinking Pot ot of Coffee A Ij Mrs Loretta Walker Valker 18 of East Millcreek was WM arrested at al 2 30 a a. a m. m Monday by Deputy Sheriff Sher Sher- iff Dominic Bums Burns and lodged in the county Jail for tor investigation after her husband Thomas 26 26 is reported to have been taken violently ill following an alleged beer party part Sunday night I IThe The husband Is believed to be suffering suf suf- fering cring from strychnine poisoning ac according according according ac- ac cording to deputy sheriffs Deputies were called into the case by Dr R. R O. O Johnson 1067 East Thirty-third Thirty South street who was summoned when hen the man was as stricken and who reported he had been poisoned of officers officers of- of said Shortly after the woman was wa-s arrested arrested arrested ar ar- ar- ar rested Larry Davidson 32 a painter of or the Lake hotel was lodged in the Continued on Pate Pare Fourteen 9 Sl MAN HElD AFTER ArTER BLAZE lAlE IN LODGING HOUSE Continued from Page Pae Seven ance on the tlC rooming house and a beneath the building The Tle rooming house has ha been untenanted un un- tenanted for nearly two months Cannell Can Can- Cani nell told the detectives He denied having been ben in the place for near nearl nearly a 1 week previous to the fire re Frank Victor hot hotel l and Leonard COco Cco South Seventh West Vest street other partners left for southern Utah Uth Friday night the of of- I leers cers were Informed Cannell Cannel resides re resides sides at West Vest Fourth South street The place Is i being bIng guarded b by po police po- po lice pending further Investigation p. p The fire broke out shortly alter after shot acer midnight midnight and was brought under control control con con- b by Battalion Batalon Chief Chie Mills Mills' MUS and his hi men after an nn hours hour's light fight Meanwhile fire re officials blamed a carelessly thrown for a fire tre which caused more than damage damage dam dam- age to a cafe at 62 South West Vest Tern Tern- Ter pie pic street and two adjoining res I dences Sunday afternoon CAFE DA DAMAGED I The Te fire fie started at 3 p. p m. m in the cafe owned b by M M. A. A McGuire caus Ing damage to the building and contents content The flames fame spread to two vacant houses house on either side of the restaurant causing damage to toone toone toone one at CO GO West Vest Wet South Temple street owned b by Ebert Curtis Curts and undetermined undetermined mined damage to the other at 64 6 West Wes South Temple street owned by the Judge Halloran-Judge Trust company owne Spontaneous combustion Chic Chef Mills Mis said started a fire fie in a one one- story brick garage garge at at 2534 53 Seventh East East street owned by Spencer Farnsworth Farnsworth Farsworth Fars- Fars Farns Farns- worth a few hours later Damage was estimated at I |