Show SOCIAL CONFERENCE TO SErT I 28 8 National and state authorities Including In In- eluding representatives of President Hoovers Hoover's emergency committee will willbe willbe wi be among the speakers at the seventh annual anual meeting of the Utah Uth State Conference of Social Workers and the second annual institute of social work vork September 28 to October 2 at Kingsbury hall hail hal University of Utah Uth Miss Mis Kate Williams conference president president president pres pres- ident announced Unemployment and relief measures measures meas meas- ures undertaken by city state and national agencies will wi be stressed by bythe bythe by bythe the speakers at th the principal discussion discus discus- sion sian of ot the meeting More than social welfare executives ex ex- social workers and juvenile court authorities from all al parts of the state are expected to attend the meeting The institute will wi be conducted by Miss Mis Olga Edith Gunkle assistant secretary of th the Community Chest Ches Denver Newell Newel W. W Edson educational atonal a- a associate of the American So Social Social So- So cial cal tonal Hygiene association and C. C K K Warne western field representative of the presidents president's emergency and relief re re- lief committee will wi be the principal outside speakers Representatives of Governor George Gcorge H. H 1 Derns Dern's state committee on unemployment also will appear on the program wi The program will be under the direction di dl- wl b Te of Dr Arthur L L Beeley of the University of Utah chairman Dr Joseph A. A A Geddes of the Utah Uth State Agricultural college and vice ice president of the conference Miss Mis Elizabeth McMechen executive secretary sec see Elzabeth of the Family Service Servie society and second vice president of the conference conference conference con con- ference Hugo B. B Anderson executive executive tive secretary of the Salt Sal Lake Lkc Community Com Corn Chest and Ss S's Miss Mis Williams |