Show p INDUSTRY'S CHANCE GERARD ERARD SWOPE'S program for the stabilization 1 of industry outlined in his recent speech before the National Electric Manufacturers Manufacturers' Manufacturers Manufacturers' Manu Manu- association in New York simply proves once more that no one on earth cah can be b quite as naive as the big business man I Head of one of the largest industries in inthe the world Swope plunges boldly into a series proposals of that would sound fearfully so socialistic so- so not to say subversive if they came from a politician t To group the industries of the nation into gigantic trade associations under the friendly supervision of the federal government to provide for every worker life insurance accident acci- acci tent lent insurance unemployment insurance and andi i i pension system that would enable each worker to r retire at 70 on half pay to give I workers and the general public a controlling foice in the administration of these schemes t tills this surely is as radical a set of suggestions P. P a as any anYone one could ask E Swope himself asks Shall we wait for forto to society to act through its legislatures or shall industry recognize Its obligation to its em em- and to the public and undertake the k I Of or course putting a program of this kind MO to effect would be an enormously difficult lob Job But since when has American industry ed a away ay from Jobs because they were diffiCUlt difficUlt difficult cult it has been our boast for two decades that foat our business and Industrial leaders ire are we the e wisest on earth Now is their chance to Prove it |