Show I I Civil Service Rule May Be Tightened Rigid application of the civil servIce service service ser ser- vice rule requiring elimination o of names lames of policemen and firemen which have ha been on the promotion eligibility list for tor more than three years was vas as considered by the civil service service service ser ser- vice commission at a meeting in the city and county building Monday Names now on the promotion list were vere discussed with Fire Chief Waler Walter Wal- Wal ter er S S. S Knight and Chief Chic of Police Joseph E. E Burbidge C. C C. C Richards chairman o of the civil service commission commission com coin mission and Joseph H. H Rayburn attended at- at tended the meeting Leon Sweet the theother theother theother other member of the commission was Vas absent I IThe IThe The commission also discussed the practicability of a new ness rule which would deny civil service permissIon permission permission per per- mission to t take kc examinations for promotion except for the next succeeding succeeding suc sue position |