Show Bingham to Enter Second Eleven in Fall Fal Soccer Race BINGHAM Aug 17 17 17 will wl enter a second team tem in I the fall fail tal league legue of or the Utah Uth Soccer union officials of the newly or organized organized or- or club cub here announced Sun Sun- day dy l fember Members of the team te composed of of the United States Mining lInIng and Smelting company will wl apply for admission at the meeting of the union n next Wednesday Wednesday Wed Wed- We- We nesy in Salt Sat Lk Lake The club officers arc are Max Ma Dc- Dc pois pise president Jack Roberts Robers former former for for- mer soccer player In i the Scottish league leage manager and Charles Chrles secretary The Utah Cop Copper r club cub Is I the theother theother theother other league legue Bingham Bigham team tem In the |