Show un nt Evenings Except Sunday Established 1902 HS MAIN STREET c 5 P PHONE WASATCH Published by The Vie Tel ram Publishing Company A A. A L L. Ut Fish General Mana er erThe The Telegram 1 Is a member of the Associated Prep Pres The Associated d Frew i la Is exclusively entitled to w the use for tor cation of ot all 11 news credited d to It or not Dot otherwise Ired r ted d in Iti this nap paper r and also aro the local 1 news TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION BT BY CARRIER Dally Daily with Sunday BunchY Tribune ge Oc per wee week reek DaU except Sund adV I per week eek Y n BY MAIL MAIL-Dati with ith Sunday Sunde Tribune In adr Utah Idaho Idabo Nerada Nevada and W 1 I month I 1 rear car S 1000 I 1 year ur O D Dilly UY except Sunday SUndar ln in advance ancel I 1 I month c. c EI Elsewhere in United States Statu Dally Daily with Sunday Tribune 1 S month n 15 Dally Daily except Sunda I 1 month Bur U of i c Circulations rc i IT iL Tim TM Tole Telegram ram 13 la Isa lame ft m me member i b r Audit Bureau The SpecIal ad a agent ent St St. Louis Loul Detroit New York PhUl ChicagO l Co Inc PacifiC cout C. C CIL City AtlantA Atlant San SaD M. M francl LOS Mules UttI attl Portland nd second class matter at tho postoffice at Salt Lake Entered as 1870 8 City under ac act of March r Monday Evening August 17 1931 I I At t I I FRIENDSHIPS No reason why out of sight eight need be out of mind Keep friendships alive by telephone It costs so little For Por example station to station station sta eta tion day rates i iI I From SAI SALT T LAKE CITY to Casper Che Cheyenne En and night ht raio rau k are lower i Calls Call br num number are e quIcker I tf 3 Long ions Distance Jt ION 8 8 i Planes Dally EAST WEST NORTH Serving 40 it in 18 siai tott 13 13 boura boun oW N New w Y York 21 York 21 hours w San Francisco 7 T ho hotal Sift SUI Seattle SeattIe hours Ticket Offic i 1 Lobby i Phone System sn of 0 UNITED AIR LINES j I n Just 3 More Weeks Weeks' to Buy a Home HomeI I Before SCHOOL STARTS or of f course you OU Want vant Want vanta Wanta 1 I c a a settled place fc ter I Contentment Contentment- I safer t I S i t- t for br your our S great greater r home homeI I I Liberties Liberties- i beL better ber r Companion I F for br your Jour ChIldren I freedom from rea fL I Worries Worries- c to to save sare of every Rent S Checka Check Check- G a a home hom before beDre O OAge Old Age comes on on- on August Is Buy Bur a Home s Month 1 5 FIND THESE IN TO TODAY'S DAYS DAY'S S WANT ADS IDS California Owner Says Sell fiSO MOD 5 rm brick horns home on pud d street treet Excellent built and well kept home Beautiful polished oak loon floon S plumbing basin furnace fur fur- nace nate fireplace un ranze e and water willer heater Near and Lowell schools Fine lawn shrubs shrub flowers lowers Move Mote In Howd How'd You Like 80 Month DUPLEX never ne Income JaG 80 P per ft month Live lu hi one side rent from front o other her will buy buT you rou ou the home 5 S firebrick near Roose elt Jr high and EQ East t HUh school ORS Gee ranges oak oik I I floors rece recess tubs Rooms are ls larce laree e. e beautifully decorated down don Near Uintah School S-RM S firebrick and stucco bungalow Extra Ex- Ex tra Ira room finished down dot stairs stair furnace and crar ce 1200 cash bal 30 per rr month A bargain for an east bench hom horns home Near Garfield School I NEARLY new flew beautiful desIgn dulin I 5 and breakfast room ro Garage darnee e Is ta La Lathe the basement Also an en amusement room maid a S room and furnace Deep terraced lot all planted Plenty of conveniences con and 2 O down b bal l l. J 15 5 per er ec month 2400 Near Jefferson School I ROOM 5 modern only 2 years ears old HOMe EASILY Y WORTH won Nice lot lawn laU garage Owner will w give e easy euy terms SIO down n js 25 5 per month A snap w TRIBUNE TELEGRAM REAL ESTATE WANT ADS ADSA A A Home for Every Pocketbook Pocketbook Nos 1 I t 10 5 S i |