Show I I STATE SEG Governor Dern to Deliver Address Address Address Ad Ad- Ad- Ad dress of Welcome on Initial Initial Ini Ini- mi- mi Convention Day DayI The fifteenth annual convention con of 01 the national a association tion of secretaries los Ics of st state te will ill o open en at 1 p. p m. m Tuesday Tues Tues- da day at the Hotel Utah Hotel Utah with Gover Governor nor George JS IL Dern Dem making the address address ad address ad- ad dress or of The welcome meeting will continue in Salt Lake through Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wed Wed- and will wilt then be transferred to the southern Utah parks I Milton H. H Welling Velling secretary of state reports that everything is Ls In readiness for a successful convention Suitable recreation services are planned including organ recitals atthe atthe at atthe the tabernacle a trip to Salt Lake a banquet at the Hotel Ut Utah h and side trips in Salt Lake county Following the address of or welcome and the response President Ernest L L. L Sprague secretary of state for lor Connecticut will give ghe his report The chief address of the afternoon will wll be Automobile License Laws Laws by E. E Ray Cato superintendent of oC traffic control for California Twenty-three Twenty states will m be rep rep- resented ted |