Show Almost New Balls Used in Tennis Meet 0 0 Tennis ball balls those velvet 0 pellets that duffer racquet ers 0 pursue clown down putters glitters pia play with 0 for fer wc weeks necks ks before 0 and almost prize as golden 0 nug- nug nuggets flew thick and the he annual in tenI ten ten- I I 11 I show closing closing- at let Victory Or 0 park Sunday Sundar S According tn In Tournament TournamentS S Manager 1 Ra Ray Forsberg nearl nearly S balls baIls were used during the he theS S weeks Decks play Three new balls ball S were used every seven games 0 in all of the major matches S Friday the local net club was wasS S forced to o send send to o Denver Cr via ia airmail for additional balls S The marathon playing of S Fred Dixon of Pro o was as asS S astounding as the use of balls S The Thc Utah net king played ex exI exactly ex- ex S panics James during daring the I tournament week |