Show Quotations I If It you jou cant can't stop slop your children I from drinking take them out anc and teach leach them how to drink Richarc Richard Bennett War Walis Wais Is the science of destruction John S. S C. C Abbott I- I We are living in a 3 time of ot grea great opportunity of 0 stimulating appeal to the imagination WaIter Walter S. S Gifford Giford Divorces should not be obtained so easily Matrimony is a serious busi bus ness Peggy Peggy Hopkins Jo Joyce ce Millionaires 1 I The They are becoming as common as bags of popcorn Theo Theo Theodore dore Dreiser We need only obey There is if guidance guidance guid guid- ance for each cach of 0 us and by lowly listening we shall hear the right word Emerson Some Sonic men especially politicians have such a command o of language that you jou are arc tempted to say ay that the I I language has command of ot them George Gcorge Bernard Shaw It is monstrous to suppose that la labor labor la- la bor is the highest gon goal of man and leisure little better beUer than an affliction Heywood Broun Nowadays as more than once Inthe in inthe inthe the history of ot the church we arc are confronted confronted con con- fronted with a world which In a large measure has almost fallen back into paganism Pope Pope Pius XI To think of ot preparedness for war as the only means for preserving peace is like thinking of surgery as means of preserving health Henry L. L Stimson I have avoided public speaking feeling that one voice oice to a family is enough Mrs Calvin Coolidge The governments government's financial position lion tion has changed from one of or great greal ease to one of or increasing difficulty due to the widespread business depression depression de de- de which has afflicted the world world Secretary o of the tho Treasury Mellon Turning out educated ed young joung gentlemen gen gen- gen j with good manners isn't enough toda today Rev William G. G T I IT I I I may be Just a plain dumbbell butI but buL i I cant can't help it Mme Ernestine Schumann Schumann-Heink I |