Show Jr I Corns Stop Hurting Instantly I then Lift Right Off Drop on that aching corn Instantly It stops hurting then shortly you lift JUt the corn right of off with your lingers fingers You'll laugh really 1 It is so 50 easy and doesn't hurt one bit Works like Uke a charm every time A tiny bottle or of FREE FREE- ZONE costs only a few cents at any drug store and is sufficient to remove every hard corn soft corn nd calluses Try It II ALL Make Moving A Pleasure Special Renters' Renters Note FREE TRANSPORTATION to people wl hlll to locate locale before school starts start In new homes apts duplexes etc O mo rent Tent end up Choice o of DC furnished or unfurnished Find this ad In Housu Wont Ad CoL Cot No lio 54 Ladies Note e the Saving LATE style etyle walnut dining wt ut L US 35 Cost CoIL i new just like 00 Take a peek In Furniture Ad Col No 31 What hat A Home for OO S 50 DOWN N. Home with nearly 12 2 acre and coops Sot for hen hens Hurry over to Homes For or Sale Ad Col No flo 1 1 In the Heart of the ONLY 20 10 week lee to spend pend your vacation vaca CA CAtlon tion In a bre mountain Inn 3 meals dally daily caddie addle horses horus 3 entertainers I every evening Sat Sal night dancing dancin Special orchestra Refer Reter to resort column under big bis Vacation headings C 5 I k fJ 1 t I k 1 q J nA IM I ml- ml i ii i I TUESDAY IS DOLLAR DAY AT AUERBACH'S I SUMMER BAGS Plaid Blankets Mens Men's Shirts Of Wool Part-Wool In Pastel Tints Of ot fine ne rayon s striped t r I pe d broadcloth Full cut and Values to O I Sateen bound ends end well Very good Attractively c co colored o 1 lor o r c ed d dand values in sizes 14 to 17 fabric bags nicely lined inch 80 size Special I Special all and fitted Men's Mens Mens Mena Street Floor 1111 1 Bags Street Bags Street Floor j MENS MEN'S UNIONS UNIONS KnIt Knit in MENS MEN'S SILK TIES TIES Regular sizes size 36 to 44 4 Regular fl 4 Good selection in CLOTHES n BASKETS SlIghtly BASKETS Slightly soiled genuine willow l II 0 S 1 1 Regular Regular size sire sanitary napkins S I 1 Special 2 for for V 1 i u colors S Special 2 for lor 1 Values alues tip lP t to 12 In box 5 Boxes f for or 3 J SI 1 1 cut cutting 50 O tins FOOD blades CHOPPERS Family sire with i 1 SHADOW SKIRTS SKIRTS Hickory Hickory brand Made of ot dainty silk silk- 1 Mens Men's material and have hare laco trim or hem Q I like SMART JEWELRY Shirts Athletic Rayon Pajamas In Great Variety r 4 L LA A Of Rayon Ra-on and Cotton For W Women and Girls 1 Values 1 to Sizes 34 and 36 vj dally daily priced O 01 A priced as assortment as- as 3 fa for specially Former For For- lot 85 only in the 4 attractive at of q P to values mer me jewelry for f Men's Mens Men Street Floor ri 2 or While they last Jewelry Street Floor BOYS BOYS' SWEATERS Wool PITCHING S SHOES II OE Full cut Underwear Underwear Second Second Floor noor sleeveless sweaters In Iii sizes octagon ham hora CASSEROLE AND FRAME U BOYS BOYS' SHIRTS ShIRTS Full 30 10 to 36 Reg Rei 4 1 shoes h Fair I 1 s oe 72 I o green an and d' d well t 11 mil made d c. c Sizes SI zes Special i S finish with cover er Complete Com Corn 1 14 Special 2 for plate with nickel 1 1 6 IS to I I WISS SCISSORS SCISSORS Good CROCHET COTTON C GOLF BALLS Repaints DAISY FLANNEL FLA FLANNEL EL frame frome I In white BOYS BOYS' GOLF HOSE A A limited lim lim- sewing or household J. J P. P Coats 1 J O Inch 27 width Cd size for E Extra Ettra tra 4 FRY PANS PANS old No 8 Hed number In sizes Izes I S 6 to use wc 1 74 7 Q 1 fl or colors all sizes 7 for to C V S J I 1 Special 1 V A 10 z Exceptional Q 4 Special BAGS nAGS BAGS size FI First st st. quality td j. j ware V t Q S 1 i values at 3 Pu V 1 1 JL size Will wm protect your 3 3 boxes s. s clothes s and d blankets from flora moths a and 80 Boys Boys' s' s T Trou Trousers rousers sers nd Handkerchiefs napkins and 1 i Y Sanitary Belt Delt 1 dust 2 for Of Fine Finc Linen h Frocks F k Long wool all-wool pants Wash W roc s as lit Women's pure Irish Irish Broken sizes to 16 Valhi Values Val Val- linen handkerchiefs handke r c chI h I e f s ues US to 2 50 24 4 pa pairs I rs I with Spoke sixteen-inch sixteen stitched Special hem In hi Dainty Fabrics L N LN S only Special Voile Volle prints linon ba batiste ba- ba 11 f for or Bo Boys Boys' i Street s' Street Floor tiste and novel frocks frock se selected se- se Handkerchiefs Str Street lets Street et Fl from our reg baj j INFANTS' INFANTS BLANKETS DL A INFANTS INFANTS' TS DRESSES DRESSES- Hind DRESSES Ud racks ra C. C ks No N 0 exchanges h soft rott downy receiving blanket blan blan- made Dainty little U CHILDRENS CHILDREN'S 0 OUTING U UTI T I N G RAYON UNDERWEAR blue ket in In white pink or Gertrudes of the WEAR Two better bet bet- WEAR Two piece middies middles Lorraine LorIne quality Home Frocks Frocks Second Second Floor checks or orter ter type dance consisting of ot suits autta piece crash khaki knickers suits aults In irs sizes sires one- one solids 4 4 for S 1 Either to match 2 2 for S Jl 1 bloomers gowns etc 1 7 I to 14 C 4 WARDROBE BAGS BAGS Made Made of ot VELVET VEL SC SCARES S H. In Ia CRIB BLANKETS DL An Esmond Es Es- Es- Es PORCH CUSHIONS Ia CUSHI NS Ii years 2 for f or 1 P good gj quality ticking Will rose and mulberry 4 mond blanket 0 and modem GIRLS' GIRLS S SKI K I R fl T S The hold Old eight 1 95 Special V J 1 scalloped all 11 around Pink stenciled spa sports daughter must have havea INFANTS INFANTS' Q QUI U I Crib 1 Reg Beg young joung hangers angera or blue nursery designs 1 a separate skirt to wear quilts Can be bc used use as carriage car car- design 1 Reg Beg 2 for j joua with blouses etc Marvelous Marvel far rl e robes robes Rayon covered Brocade FRENCH POLLS With RAYON R. PILLOWS Sizes oils ous assortment 8 to H. H 14 Q 1 J Size in pink or blue Vj 1 if and shapes plain assorted values 1 faces Special and hands 2 for Q 1 4 J Wash Fabrics FabrIcs' Second Floor Second Floor Fleer SMART BLOUSES I Ideal f for r Home Frocks Silk Hosiery Of Silk or Cotton In summer patterns Broken Lines LUles LinesA I Also Ideal for childrens children's Regular to 55 only For Formerly m mer e r 1 y A small sma 11 lot 1 a t of 0 ladies ladies' 1 a d. d les lid wear yard A d 1 P 4 Y S. S priced to No J hose lose in chiffon semi and t I Special exchanges exchange iges M j service weights Not all 4 Wash Fabrics Street Street Floor sizes Values to Sportswear Second Second Floor 2 1 50 FIGURED MARQUISETTES 1 L. LAMP IP SHADES SHADES-I SU D ES In In l floor parth and Of Of Zinc fine quality In multicolor multi multi- ment and silks Broten Broen tt lint WOOL MIXED D n CO COMFORT COVERINGS color designs Idea for tor bedroom bed bed- Uble table models A real resi Large Lare comfort size Jf Cotton 36 J InchES KNITTING K ITT NG YARN RS SMALL S LL I. CUSHIONS Cozy kitchen room bath or 3 3 Yards Yards' 1 special a assortment S 1 1 Each S 5 1 JL wide 1 J pRINTS I T special 7 J Full 3 32 o oz to hang 18 C corner 8 to Inch 10 S Q 41 CURTAIN IN PANELS P. or Of col colored col- col WARP W DYE P R 1 1 at 5 1 V 1 I 2 ds Splendid in weight welK ored Madras 24 21 long 4 for Special GOWNS GOWNS 82 82 only hand embroidered and arid made hand Porto colors Special 2 for squares In solid color body with for i f aI Special RICAn gowns and crepe gowns 2 for tot 1 STAMPED ST SPREADS DS Yellow Y e 11 ow or green with w Ith rainbow ra I n bo w color co I or Fringe contrasting trimmed Madras borders and dining geometrical l rooms Flora Fora I SI I laoU I 1 TAILORED SLIPS SLIPS And And new trimmed lace slips sUps also each t 1 designs dc 2 Y dl v or ot the better quality sport satins 1 border orcier Special Full miu size sire Values to P J 1 14 Y e Sweaters Blouses Hats I i A Tots Tots' Frocks Or Girls' Girls Skirts Fall Styles I LI Or Boys Boys' Suits Crepes ribbons brim N. J Odds and ends In valI values val val- ues US up to While I That have sold saId regular at styles styles' turbans Clever 1 I they 2 for J Wash Vash suits and little h little hats all aU of them them- I last girls' girls panty Greatly reduced to I Sportswear cu Second Floor tI frocks 2 for f 0 I I Millinery Second Millinery Second Floor s metal Infants Second Infants Second Floor SMOKER STANDS STANDS STANDS-In In heavy ornamental 5 37 style in silver or bronze and WOM WOMEN'S NS N'S SWEATERS SWEATERS-of Of wool all rayon Reg Beg No exchanges each Special 1 1 of Of heavy y crepe lined with contrasting color col or MARQUISETTE PANELS PANELS 43 43 inches wide 2 NECKWEAR I W Special clo Novelty each I silk l. l and satin I. I in assorted ort 1 silk value Fringed II ed ends Special lal Lovely I colorings 1 1 and patterns S Q J 4 1 each pretty sheer quality t. t Fringe trimmed I. I e 1 |