Show COUPLE TO REMARRY Tear car Miss Blair Will you OU pt please se advise m me on a aery very ery Important matter About a year ago agoT I T obtained a divorce from In my husian hus bus ian band nd Now he wants to remarry me nit hut will not consent coment to o be married n n Salt Snit Lake under any consideration He Ie wants want me inc to go to California with him and marry him there or else meet him there and marry him I II understand that It Is unlawful to leave eave the st state te together without be being being belag be- be ing lag married first I still sun love lo him Wm nd have two babies to care for so soI soI II I must do what Is rl right richt ht Thanking you in advance WORRIED S There Is a three-day three wait in California California California Cali Cali- fornia after the license has been procured procured procured pro pro- cured before the marriage ceremony can be performed You doubtless have in mind the Mann act which makes It Illegal megal for a man to transport a n. woman across the state border line for Immoral purposes Your own conduct conduct conduct con con- duct will of course determine whether or not action could be brought against you ou The three day wait walt was designed to eliminate gin marr but will wUl operate Just the same samo for all who tAkeout take takeout takeout out marriage licenses |