Show A N New evv Yorker at Large Lare fly y GILBERT SWAN NEW YORK July 22 Pinochle 22 Pinochle 2 ismore is ismore ismore more than a card game in lii New NewYork NewYork NewYork York it Is something of a legend It is a associated with those famous old timers who gathered about I tables at the theatrical theatrical the the- clubs and with the thousand and one little delicatessen en a and n d beer resorts scattered scattered scattered scat scat- over the metropolitan area Some of at the city's most famous Individuals m may a y yh h have a v e gathered gather cd fame as actors singers or business businessmen men but their cronies Judge them by their pinochle To be sure bridge is played b by byan byan an infinitely ly greater number of perSons persons persons per per- sons and Park avenue may be bc labeled as an auction or contract section But Park avenue a Is relatively relatively rela- rela Ively new as this town goes and the he oldsters have been pinochle- pinochle minded since those dear clear old da days s 's before their blood pressure went up upa a dozen points I Enter the Lambs or the Friars or orthe the he Players club and you'll see the thc gents gente whose hose names are already creeping into history spending their declining days in a contest that has hasa a friendly bitterness about it to be found round in no other spot Take for Instance David Warfield William Morris or Morris Gest or ora ora ora a dozen others Until ho was stricken with an illness that threatened to be fatal could be found almost any day of ot the week at the Lambs doing a pinochle marathon with his cronies Just corner cat-a-corner from the club entrance entrance entrance en en- trance was the Belasco theater Because Because Be De- cause Warfield and the late Belasco had lad parted company in wrath comments comments com corn ments were to be heard at the card table lable that are arc not printable in a family newspaper But the feud was healed long before Belasco passed on OIL Friends and relatives of Morris Gest try their to keep him from the pinochle boards for tor he lie is no longer lonser a It youngster Despite his years ears the famous vaudeville pioneer will sneak away and Join his comrades comrades com corn rades at the Friars and there they will wUl play all aU through the night The actual money moner involved is likely to be beno beno beno I no more than but they will willI keep going until dawn comes through I comes through the tIe windows I Joe Weber of at Weber and Fields is isas isas isas as much of ot a pinochle hound as Gest st st. I For years th the elderly medicos from j Bellevue hospital have foregathered 1 fo fa game at Louis Siegel's in Third avenue not far tar from Manhattans Manhattan's Manhattans Manhattan's Manhat Manhat- Iton's tans tan's emergency hospital In the dear old days daj's when beer was beer this spot was patronized by hundreds of medical students and young practitioners who now are graybeards Habit still draws them I Ito to the place al although although although al- al I though times have ha changed II Through t the is e cloak and suit belt there are hundreds hun bun of 1 i 1 t t 11 tIe 1 e cafes where the proprietors p r e e- e pare the cards and the tables as soon as th the demitasse has hns been con con- i Over on Second l avenue l and arid Third up In the Bronx and in parts of Harlem the kibitzers gather There is a sort of ot friendly enmity which goes on year after year Many players come tottering in on crutches and wheel chairs chaus and thus they continue until the grave digger deals the last spade Copyright 1931 NEA E Service Ice Inc f |