Show f 11 t t 1 Theodore Dreiser Assails f Movie Version of Tragedy Brands It Cheap Tawdry 0 Br United Press Pms I WHITE PLAINS N. N Y July 22 Paramount 22 I production of Theodore Dreiser's An n American Tragedy Tragedy Trag- Trag I edy was as called caned a cheap tawdry tabloid conception of I Arthur Garfield Gar- Gar I 0 the book by 4 I field Hays a attorney tt orney f for or t t I II Dreiser In a hearing to today to to-j 1 A day b before e for c Supreme Court Justice Graham on Dreiser's t. t i I application for an In InI InJunction Injunction In- In I I junction to restrain the l. l company from showing the picture VA I Dreiser charged that I whereas his book Is a I psychological I In indictment indict indict- n d I c tI t- t I I men ment t of society Paramount Paramount Para Para- I I mount has vindicated so society so- so I II I in the picture If it itis is shown he claimed his I reputation will be injured S I so that he te w would uld never E I I live JIve down the disgrace S I I Humphrey J. J Lynch w attorney for Paramount- Paramount THEODORE DREISER d declared clare no great motion picture company could I II I allow allowan an eccentric author to run its business lIe He said I it would be foolish to suppose that Dreiser's book could I I be condensed into less Jess than two hours of motion picture I II I and still be a very accurate portrayal of the he book I While Dreiser's contract with the company permitted permit permit- I ted him to make suggestions regarding the film fUm version II I I II I of An American Tragedy there was nothing to make I Paramount accept those suggestions L Lynch said I I Lynch declared the book to be merely a review of I II the Chester GIllett murder case in 1906 I If there was ever a case of plagiarism this is it I Lynch said I The outcome of this case undoubtedly will set a I II I precedent it was said as to how much right an author I retains in his production when he sells It to a picture company I I The Paramount production which cost I I is due to fo open in New York next week I a. a I |