Show 0 S S Seasonal dilly dally advice and aDd lICU 0 on preparation of toll IOU p pun plan an YO vO YOUR U Li R a I nine ning plan planting Un and flower culture b bS bj bjone S one one of the foremost floriculturists In t Salt Sail Lake eu City Questions Question addressed to this column will wUl be answered GARDEN G A R D E N j promptly Wb when D accompanied by byname g i name tume and address both of which o will Hill be omitted upon request S 0 0 1 THAT HOT DRY CORNER Many times during this part of the season eason the garden lover discovers places in his garden which need Im- Im Especially now is a a. hot dry corner or location noticeable If you ou observe this place and plan for forthe forthe the he planting now you will wUl not be troubled with the same dry desolate looking place next year In the spring all parts of the garden look promising However look to that dry spot now arid and when the time comes plant something that can stand the location There arc are several se attractive little plants slants particularly adaptive to the hot lot dr dry corner The first Bellis a dainty little Ittle plant with pale lilac flowers on three to four Inch stems blooming from early May until September providing providing pro pro- viding that it has sun and sharp drainage This little plant will not nol spread like Uke its more common relations rein rela Bellis or the common English daisy a a. little plant a neat slightly spread spread- ing tuft three thre to four inches high ofa of ofa a somewhat hairy green gray-green foliage The large glowing crimson flowers are borne on three to six Inch stems from June to September Its only requirements are ore exposure to the sun and light and a sandy soil soU Convolvulus is one of I the finest and most persistent sum sum- blooming mer-blooming plants for tor a well- well drained border The rather large lUGe blue luc flowers appear on three to four inch s stems ms from early spring to fall This plant Is somewhat of a trailer and fine for a gentle slope although it tt does not spread like Uk another of its family the morning glory Pyrethrum Is a wonderful wonderful wonderful won won- ground cover cr for dry exposures exposures exposures expo expo- and rock work The dense foliage is 15 of a dark green color about one Inch high with sized medium d white flowers on four to six Inch stems from spring to late sum WIn mer Then there is Achilea Tomentosa with very ery finely cut foliage and golden gold gold- en yellow flowers borne on six to eight Inch stems twice a year If the first flowers are cut before they set their seeds the plants will wUl produce a a second crop late In the season in August August August Au Au- gust and September These plants all aU prefer sunny situations and are therefore extremely suitable for a a. sunny dry spot where others fail fall to thrive To be continued |