Show C COORDINATION Of TRAN TRANSPORTATION p URGED R m BY DAVIS WASHINGTON Dec Dee 5 G APS AP AP- AP The opening session of the national rivers and harbors congress was told by Secretary Davis navis of he he war department today that tho the nations nation's needs leeds requite require coordinated use usa of every form torm of transportation and that hat the tho waterways should bo be used to their fullest possibilities The water borne commerce in 1927 was over tons he said The Tho Increase has been steady with resulting benefits benefit to the he country in reducing its freight bill On domestic commerce alone the thc savings have havo been estimated at annually Wo Yo have seen great developments in our waterway program We Ve have become become become be be- come a great nation Railroads Railroad are reaching caching a high state of efficiency Wo Yo have thousands of miles of Improved improved Im- Im proved roved highways We are developing develop- develop ing ng air transportation nut But these transport agencies operating operating operating op op- op- op alone will soon become in inadequate inadequate inadequate in- in adequate to handle economically our commerce We 0 must plan not notor for or next year ear alone alono but for the next decade tho the next half century Our Improved harbors provide adequate adequate ade ade- quate facilities for fora a 0 much larger foreign and coastwise trado trade than at present Hundreds of oC miles of Improved improved Im- Im proved roved inland waterways s 's have been added to the network and other promising ars are aie being completed |