Show KEN STRONG TO O PLAY ON EASTERN GRID MACHINE NEW YORK Dec 5 AP Two AP-Two Two stars of the New York university will ViII take part in fn the attempt to tu bring back soine some football laurels to the east cast in the annual West East charity chanty game to be played at San Francisco o Ca Cal December 29 Ken Strong high scoring halfback al already already already al- al ready has accepted the Invitation of Andy Kerr err Washington and Jefferson Jefferson Jef Jef- ferson coach who will vill havo o charge of the tile eastern team team- Bob Dob Barrabee the end who vho received most roost of or Strong's Strongs passes passe also has received an invitation Al Weston Veston Boston college quarterback Is tile me third pta player r who has lIas b been en asked to play for the tile eat east I |