Show SNELL C CONFERS WASHINGTON Dec 5 CAP CAP- AP Chairman Snell of the house rules committee discussed the legislative I. I program for this session with President President Pres Pres- I ident Coolidge today and afterward said he did not bellevo there would I II I be time to effect a general tariff I revision A A. determined effort would be made to pass a a. new congressional reapportionment bill bm he said one one which would retain several features of ot the measure before tho the house last year ear This would keep the I membership of the house bouse at its present figure figure- of Mr l Snell asserted as asserted as- as with the tho 1930 census the basis of or representation He also ex expressed expressed ex- ex pressed the opinion that the Austrian Austrian Austrian Aus Aus- trian and Greek debt settlements would toe be disposed of as requested by President Coolidge in his message message mes mes- sage to congress Mr Snell predicted that If the agriculture committee should produce produce pro pro- duce duce- a farm relief measure conforming conforming conforming con con- forming with the desires of the administration administration administration ad ad- ministration it would be passed wI with th ease rose |