Show JUDGE FREES FREESMAN FREESMAN MAN ON ONE DRY CHARGE I Refuses to Allow Prosecution Prosecution Prose Prose- cution for Liquor Transportation Sheriff Clifford Pattens Patten's recently announced policy of working additional additional additional addi addi- hardship on en on bootleggers caught transporting liquor in automobiles automobiles auto auto- mobiles and thereby increasing se severity severity severity se- se verity of penalties received a setback set- set back Wednesday when Cit City Judge N. N H. H Tanner refused to allow allo prosecution prosecution prosecution pros pros- of ot an alleged bootlegger on ona ona ona a transportation charge charse Instead th the court ed C. C F. F Headlund 23 alias Fr Fred d Westerly 2635 2633 Fifteenth East street to plead guilty to a whisky possession charge and fined him Joseph S. S Nelson deputy county attorney explained to the court that the state slate desired particularly to lo 0 prosecute Headlund on the trans transportation n charge in n order that the auto allegedly used to transport seven pints of of wh whisky might be con con fisca ted Judge Tanner belittled the prosecutors prosecutor's prosecutors prosecutor's prosecutors prosecutor's prose prose- request t by y observing that In Innot innot innot not one case in twenty five five where autos are involved ed does docs the state confiscate confiscate- the machine This case ease is the kind which can easily go beyond the realm of ot prosecution prosecution pros pros- into persecution remarked Defense Counsel N. N E. E Callister as asic he ic explained his client was willing to plead guilty to a whisky possession possession possession pos pos- session charge charse on the understanding understand- understand ing ng that the transportation charge chargee be e dismissed Nelson recommended fine Cine stating that Headlund was wa a notorious notorious no- no bootlegger According to information in in- formation in the prosecutors prosecutor's office he ie was captured while transporting liquor to one of ot the auto tourist camps in the city on November 2 The recommendation drew furher further fur- fur her ther pleas for leniency from Calister Callister Cal- Cal hater ister and when Nelson started to int interrupt the defense counsel shout shout- ed cd Shut up You can talk when Im I'm through Judge Tanner admonished both hotly counsel for or their conduct and proceeded proceeded proceeded pro pro- to fine Headlund in includIng including in- in eluding an order that the transportation tation atlon charge charSe would be dismissed on pa payment ment of ot the fine The fine was paid |