Show ARE EASY TO GIVE IF YOU LET THE CHRISTMAS GIFT BOX HELP bt ft 1 ox x ii I. u a. FOR HER liFTS Ts I ARIE WAYS ii APPRECIATED r RU L POWDER rown BOXES different and clever Priced S uno to 1 W 50 Site te perfume in beautiful cases ases cues Cases can be used for or or glove Io e boxes J Jr that will wl be sure aure to J COBS in and see our complete line of and toilet goods goOde especially ar ar- tor Christmas uFer iier lU er Bros Dry Goods Co jj Dept Main Floor g GRAPHS LS by r STOKES S THE r IDEAL XMAS GIFTS Desert Rank Bank bIdA Wee Was St Mother Really Wants 1 l Range Our Our special for stows s. s a 1 piece 13 set of Pyrex Pyres Oven wate n are with each range Special terms Co Coi O i tUFT GIFT beautiful a if case fl fine a assortment of marvel marvel- toilet goods good shown only by appoint appoInt- LIB Call Was Waa R. Going Es S Going out of oe business values alucs and less Buy Duy her Xmas now Nord's Nords Style Shop S. S State e an and Made Plade Chocolates II By COo Sit IT WITH CANDY CANDYA A STING XMAS MAS PRESENT 1000 HELD PENS FOR FOil EACH ime engraved free My Ny unbreakable Un in green yellow red black and e n GUARANTEED iRA b. b HELD UN-HELD PEN CO 14 W. W let 1st So ERN ELECTRIC CO COo ElECTRIC DEALERS rAND fAND CONTRACTORS OUR UR XMAS GIFT WILL BE DE MORE MOnE l IF IT LT IS USEFUL AS Uj AS ORNAMENTAL GIVE SOMETHING ELECTRICAL Mo 8 Use 50 S State Was WaL 2307 2107 ART SHOP SPECIAL FOR XMAS SWING FRAMES I AND PICTURES XMAS MAS CARDS SELECT EARLY 7 1 ISO SO STATE W WAS hosiery gloves garters scars acerb bathrobe bathrobes sweaters sweated ory prices Utah Woolen Mills 28 ards stI st er K I I- XMAS CARDS ie 10 best s buy In the city BO 50 bea beautiful J d s Including d in nt name e Hand ted handkerchiefs lOc SALT LAKE EFFICIENCY PRINTING CO 71 n WEST VEST 3RD SO 1 UTAH EUTAH HIGH SCHOOL E BEAUTY CULTURE CULTURES JURE S 60 HI 2 Clift Phone Was i Biggest gest and finest school west of ofa a ago go o. o Free marcele Gifts that are different i f e collection of antique and mod- mod modi i j jewelry and up to the minute Ideas gifts gins T AND JEWELRY SHOP SPOOl I So Main St. St Was I e tsa and I let her r select t any l. l she wants for r Xmas Was Tt OLTON'S OLTON'S 71 E. E 3rd So End your our Christmas worries at DESERET BOOK COo co Jt it So Tern Tem Was Vae she has moved away from l eark home h she e will town appreciate Give eteh her the ea eans a ns news sub sub- tion to The Telegram for Christmas Quality stock and work worl I e noney St St. e Printing 1 l C Co prices S So Was a State st et fj IT XMAS PRESENTS Bree tree free Painting Lessons ROYAL CABINET MFG CO least East 2nd So Was Vas 1387 1187 RIE l RIB MARIE house dresses lunch lunch- laundry laundry bags smocks and felt iw IW w tops lops are good Xmas gifts To them call Was Vas 1735 tern ern Printing Company 63 SOUTH WEST VEST TEMPLE FULL LINE LINK OF XMAS CARDS OER ER EP YOUR PERSONAL AND BUSI S CARDS CARD EARLY KE HER XMAS HAPPY beautiful fur Cur coat dress negligee elY ety lingerie erle the things she loves cede can be purchased on credit at additional charge harge at the theon ilson on Bay Fur Company K 1 South Main St. St fc SEE US FOR GIFTS OF LEATHER TRUNK BAG DAG CO SOUTH MAIN WAS 2295 2215 25 UTAH UTA KOTOR COo CO COoJ J A. A SUPREME SOUTH l lon FOR FOIl on WAS HER BElt I XMAS s si kNEW NEW GAS RANGE i l FOR on MOTHER GIFT THAT WILL LAST A LIFETIME ase her with the comfort economy conom I 1 le ler of a modern ga gas Ial range bo bout t the special Christmas Christma premi offer an and l club plan Mr Simmon I II I 1 explain Utah cub las Gas Ga Coke Co Co 4 4 IL main Lain In Was Was GOOD JEWELRY AL I L Xmas gifts gUt for everyone everyOne A. A M 11 H. H So State tt st Hamilton Beach now 35 6 66 Gr OULAR GULAn Dodge Elect 41 old vac id d your va te tc I A LOVELY HAT a bouquet a corsage and d a beautifUl ul orage ire rs Becker In department Irs HUDSON BAY STORE South Main BEE OUR GORGEOUS DISPLAY OF IVORY rr IT ON U OUR FRO PIANS PLANS 50 OF OP TO Dg Cn W LITTLE C DOWN AND A I WEEKLY COME IN ANDERSON COo Credit Jewelers 3 So Main VB MARTHA MAnTIA WASHINGTON CANDIES ANDIES CADIES VOn FOil CHRISTMAS GIFTS FOR HER HERIn Manicure ups Ron In beautiful lined silk iea ner cases cae 37 to 1750 Toilet Sets Decorated pearl rose jade jade maize maiz or white colors color Three pieces in gift bo box bos 1645 t Toilet Sets Sheraton pattern decorated pearl on amber Three pieces in beautiful c gift box 1995 95 Schramm Drugs Novelty Novely Lamps for Xmas SEE OUR oun LARGE DISPLAY OF Novelty Lamps Lamps Floor Bridge Table and Boudoir In Boudoir In n new w de de cle- signs signs P fg t C COS COSMOPOLITAN Good Housekeeping for or Xmas gifts can be sent to any address address ad ad- dress dresa and payments can can be made monthly Any other magazines magazines' if de- de sired PERIODICAL PERIODICAL PUBLISHER 21 14 Hooper dg Was Wa 10 0 SENDS home n. n a beautiful BRAND BRAND- NEW BABY DADY GRAND PIANO specially priced during our big year end closeout sale ale at only 3 7 A genuine saving of nearly FREE delivery delver In Salt Lake ake or vicinity or freight paid to any R. R U. U station In Utah Daynes Daynes-Beebe Music Co Co staton 61 So Main Salt Lake SPECIAL XMAS BASKETS Table centers center cut flowers potted plants planta holly holy wreaths NEWHOUSE BOUQUET SHOP TH SO O AND MAIN BEAUTIFUL china and colored glassware glassware glass glass- glas- glas ware sets Iridescent glassware of ot the finest Inest makes males An appreciated gift gUt for the family Something SomethinG everyone will wi be proud of WRIGHTS 22 So Main GIFTS FOR HIM Croydon Wrist Wrist Watch Watch SI Six jewel engine turned chromium band fully guaranteed Cigarette Lighters Sets and Lighter Golden Wheel Bonson- Bonson Evans etc 00 to 1000 Brush Sets In genuine English leather cases 96 to 1250 Johnson Schramm-Johnson Drugs I A Living Love Letter leter What a pleasant custom it Is lx this plan of send sending In photographs on the She one ne day when romance rules riles APPRECIATIVE PORTRAITS PORTRAIT EY RY ALSEEN STUDIOS 67 East Est South Was Wat 1466 END ND your Xmas present worries at BOOK CO COo 44 U I East ast So Tern Tem Was Wa ALL FOR Your Tour portrait colored In oil 01 and and framed complete with glass glas Mounted portraits from 00 per doz dox TIlE THE TIE THOMAS STUDIO Artistic Photography Moderate Moderate prices prices 44 41 So Main Was Wa 95 09 Watch Special 95 Ladles' Ladles and gents gents' gent guaranteed strap and wrist watches watches Quality Xmas gifts girs at startling startinG low prices Wo We save you OU 35 36 to 50 80 per cent on diamonds watches and Xmas Jewelry A visit to our store stora means savings to you ou CAPITOL JEWELRY VELRY CO 42 U U H. 2nd So ties tes shirts shirt sweaters sweater sheep lined coats bathrobes garters underwear underwear under under- wear wool gloves gloves l FACTORY PRICES UT UTAH Ai WOOLEN MILLS 28 2 Richards st st. st HE lIE may not be receiving receivinG The Telegram Telegram I Give him him- hima a subscription to The Telegram Telegram Telegram Tele Tele- gram and thus furnish him with the news newa of ot the day PHOTOGRAPHS by STOKES IDEAL IDEA XMAS GIFTS 5 DOZ DOE AND UP 01 Deseret Bank Wan Wae Wa MEMBERSHIP In Deseret gym costs litte uttie lit ut- tie te help a lifetime Was as U 1424 2 UNCALLED FOR TAILORED SUITS AND OVERCOATS A. A LOWE 04 SCOTT 2 SUITS FOR 1 buys bus a a. suit for tor yourself and you get another suit cult to measure IR FREE E for your brother father rather cousin or Ot friend Bell Tailors HI S. S Main ain st st. at Was SHAVING SETS brush sets acts and lather brushes RAZORS and RAZOR STROPS MENS MEN'S ENS EN'S TOILET SETS SET ALL OF THE TEE FINEST QUALITY Western Barber Raber Supply Co 17 E. E 1st S s. s Select a Hat or Cap FOR Fon HIS IUS XMAS GIFT AT EASTERN HATTERS CHAIN CHAI STORES SO MAIN STATE 67 61 EAST 2ND D SO 50 lii 16 SO 50 XMAS SPECIALS Boots shops shoes clothing sweaters sweater rain rain- coats leather coats hunting and fishing supplies Complete assortment assortment STRONGS STRONG'S ARMY AND NAVY DEPT STORE 27 7 E. E 2nd South Something that he needs And appreciates and the whole family r will wi enjoy A ven ventilator for or his ca car which eliminates poisonous gases A rea real I life le saver Cost but 5 33 S a a. a pair Ca Call Was Va J for further details GIVE him a shirt made to order tid tolt Lake Shirt Shop Ness YOUR photograph In a handsome met 1 i Or tr carved cared wood frame Nothing w would uld i give him the thrill of this most personal persona i git lift girt One Ole Ole photograph photographs framed 5 and up Lumiere Studio 12 1 South Main St. St DESK SETS SETS larker Parker Sheaffer Waterman Water Water- man Swan and pencils Large variety of ot leather goods Kelly Company 2 23 West Wet Firt First South Phon I Was XMAS JEWELRY JE and watches less isse les than i Main Inin st st st. prices Parks Parka 25 5 W. W 8 N Temple YOUR PORTRAIT A GIFT HE 1111 WILL MAKE APPOINTMENTS N NOW 0 W. W AMUNDSON'S STUDIO 1 SO MAIN WAS 48 make the best beat Xmas gifts Kodak headquarters headquarter 11 14 Main st. st Naylor Sisters Sister's Portraits I TILE THE GIFT EVERLASTING CALL WAS 2561 66 FOR APPOINTMENTS INTS i AFRICAN HANDMADE LEATHER BILLFOLDS CASES HANDBAGS CARD CAnD CASES CASE FOR FOrt LADIES AND GENTLEMEN MEN WILCOX ART SHOP 32 3 SO STATE ST ST. VIOLIN outfit makes make an Ideal sift gift for him Violin Violin- specialists specialist Georg I Deseret Bank Dank Was Wa SAXOPHONES CLARINETS Marlin Handcraft SO 60 guar gual Ea terms Mouthpieces and Reeds needs O. O E B Christensen 44 H I Main upstairs MATTRESS REPAIRING NEW SEW COVERS new lifO life le In 10 II your our old ole mat tre tresses ses New Lire Mattress Mattre Matren i W. W 71 I MATTRESSES ES rem remade de first frt class cas fur furniture r f upholstered and recovered Sa Sal Sail Lake Mattress Mfg Mt Co Co Was Wag Wa WINDOW SHADES SANDERS I. I Stakes Makel window any color or nr size Ilze Highest grade materials lowest lowet price pricel S I In west wet W. W 79 nn J for tor quotation Ill In blat I I i I S I I GIFTS FOR THE HOME Electrical Gift Gif Suggestions TOy oy Ranges nang s Irons Toy oy Trains Xmas Trees Tree Sets Waffle wate Irons with dishes free Xmas mas Tree Ornaments Percolators Percolator Outside Lighting Sets Set Toasters Corn Poppers VISIT OUR OUn STORE AND SEE TIm SPLENDID ARRAY OF ELECTRICAL GIFT IFT SU SUGGESTIONS lb Power COo ATWATER KENT 1 1929 1821 RADIO RADO All electric complete ready to tor r tune in In 23 in Call Cal Was Wn 30 for tor free demont demonstration aton Convenient t S terms term W WALKER BROS DRY GOODS CO XMAS MAS PRESENTS Pre Free Less ns ROYAL nOYAL CO 13 34 East Eat 2nd South Was Vae Wa 1387 GIVE her GIVE IVE her a new Singer sewing machine and the satisfaction of knowing that knowIng you ou selected the finest on earth A gift that lat wil vl keep on 01 giving through every Ch Christmas for a lifetime Singer Sewing Machine Co 4 43 South Main Mala CANARIES A bird and cage makes a delightful Xmas GUt Gill Get them at SEED CO 30 0 West 1st South Was Wa SOt BLANKETS aut auto auto- auto robes robes Factory prices Richards Excellent st. st quality Utah Woolen Wolen Mills 21 28 GIFTS for every member of the family tamly Reliable Furn Co 10 E. E Broadway PAINT YOUR YOUK OWN XMAS PRESENTS Our plaster statuary is exquisite Utah Art Doll Mfg JUg Co W. W 3rd So Make It a Merry a-Merry Merry Christmas for foi fot all al 6 6 6 tube ube electric all electrIc ai-electrIc Crosley com com- lete Your own terms BROWNIES BROWNIS RADIO nADI SUPPLY IH E. E BROADWAY CANARY birds birs guar singers bird cages caes and stands Gold fish and aquariums WALTON PORTER CO 45 42 J W. W 1st So Was 40 TIlE THE Royal Vacuum Cleaner makes im on In ideal Xmas gift gir Saves time for rest and pleasure Cleans Cleans easier and better beter WESTERN ROYAL VACUUM CLEANER CO 15 12 K B Was Wa un 1148 Veronas Verona's Candies Delight the family at Xmas time Home made mada delicious flavors blended with sith th tempting dainty hand rolled cream chocolates Call Can or come In and order your our candy packed the way you ou want ant it VERONAS 1077 East Eat So Try Hy 1163 PIcture and and framing A very ver largo large variety to se select select select se- se lect from from We do all al kinds of gla glass glas glasswork s work for tOr the home home- home automobiles etc De Be Luxo Co East Eat 2nd South Was Wa A FRAME for that portrait Finest line lne of frames In the city Carved wood and metal wall wal and awing swing frames Prices 2 and up Lumiere Studio No 12 So Main CHRISTMAS CHRISTIAS CARDS 25 26 S cards with Ith your name Salt Sat Lake ake Stamp Co 43 W. W A A REAL XMAS PRESENT Overstuffed chairs chair nice stool or an antique chair Something to brighten the home iome the tha year around See our specials ROYAL lOYAl PARLOR COo 4 East 2nd So Was Wa 1591 19 A PLAY PLAYER En PIANO 65 BUYS exchanged player piano iano with bench and bl big bunch of latest latest lat lat- lat lat- est eat new brand-new word rolls rols and beautiful brand sew brand n floor foor lamp with wih Elt shade ree delivery to your door in Salt Lake or vicinity or freight paid to any railroad rail rall- rai- rai road oad station staton in Utah Pay cash cas casor or part cash now and ba balance ance by month See Jack Tack Harrington at 61 G South Main Slain Salt Lake Cl City at Daynes Beebe's a. a m. m I to 6 p. p m. m week days I I Buys complete home motion moton picture picure outfit easy terms Not a toy but a wonderful practical camera So simple and easy eay to operate that a child can handle bandle it 1 Same lens takes and projects picture pictures assuring perfect duplication Beebe Daynes-Beebe Music Co 61 81 6 So Slain Main ATWATER ATVATER KENT The KENT The Xmas gift that keeps on giving Granite Furs Furn Fur Sugarhouse Sugarhouse Sugar- Sugar house houle HOLLY wreaths wreathe Xmas trees ferneries baskets plants cut flowers table cen cen- lets tera Plenty of parking parking space Retail at wholesale prices lOUSE HOUSE OF FLOW FLOW- ERS Slain Main at South Was Wae Wa ARTISTIC lIC rag rugs rUGs and silk atilt cushion tops from the Colonial Rug Co C. C 68 V W. W 1 South Was Wat W. W 2252 2282 V DECORATED CORAT D china Chinese lacquer laquer and hand deora decorated ted lamp lamp shades shade Snyders Snyder's Studio 22 Brooks Arcade COMPARE Majestic RCA Crosley Atwater At At- water Kent Brunswick Stein Stein- ite Sonora and amI other standard make radios ralio side by side at this big store and satisfy yourself ourel before buying your our Christmas Christma RADIO Easy terms Expert Installing DAYNES DEEBE MUSIC CO 61 8 So Main A A. SPECIAL chair tables full fuli ful length mirrors mirrors anything anything In furniture Quality QUAI It its ity l Furn urn Co Co 16 E. E W Was s. s 1 2 SPARTON tube 6 radio beautiful walnut walnut wal wal- nut cabinet all al electric brand new Just the gift the whole family will enjoy 15 Wrights Wright's So Main PHOTOS PHOTOS PHOTOS-In In miniature 5 S for lOc bc Enlargements En made Picture tinting Novelty frames franses Ideal Xmas gifts girs Collegiate Studios So Slain Main tt ot CARVING manicuring and sets of the finest quality Toilet and perfume perfume perfume per per- fume sets acts ats transformations and hair goods and manicuring 17 E. E ments Western Welter Barber Darber Supply 1 1st South YOU CAN MAKE MAKI MoKE HER hEll IER HAPPY TIllS THIS TIIS XMAS With Wih a I beautiful coat fur dress reu TO WEAR WOMEN'S READY nEADY WEn 3 SOUTH MAIN StAIN STREET GRANDMA Can GRANDMA Can you think of ot anything Dear Grandma Grandma would rather have than thana a a picture of or the children 7 Prides Prices U 8 Ui per Ier dozen and Ind up Lumiere Studio No 12 2 South Main St. St An Apex Vacuum Cleaner Washing Machine or or- Ironer Irone Will Wi make the merriest merriet s ever ver INTERMOUNTAIN ELECTRIC CO n. n 49 43 E. E So 50 Was Wa Vau 35 35 G GENUINE leather overstuffed rocker makes make an ideal gift for or Xmas Six only While they |