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Show Mr. Jvhn Keown, the worthy postmaster at Keown, Allegheny County. I'eun., says: "Chamber. laiu'd Ccuh Remedy sells better than auy other." The reaion of this is becauto it can always l depended de-pended upon. Let any one troubled with a severe cold give it n trial and they will find that the first dose will relieve tbe Jungs and make breathing easier, and that iu continued con-tinued use will freir the system of ail symptoms of the cold. The promptness nud certainty of thU remeoy In the relief and cure of colds, has won for It many sincere friends and made It very topular. For silo by Z. C. M. I. Drug Store. Go to the Sandbcrg Furniture Co., 103 W., South Temple St., and ex amine tliri New Sofa Bed. Best In the market, Our customere all speak highly In praise of St. Patrfck'a.Mllx. They mc thebest. IIowy IlRoaf Carroll, S'ebraaka. F-or sale by Z. C M.J Drug Dcjaiiraent. sssssssanaassssssssaBBOIMHksstsssssI SPECIAL r((iTlcie. satire. I hereby give notice that I will not "be responsible for" any debU" contracted by my wife, Mrs.JSixab B. Worthington. after Sept. 12, IcBd. d3t Orson H.WnRTin.NOTo.f. Hot, CiWb Millinery Reception and Display of Fine French Pattern HaU and BonneU at ParisUn Millinery Parlors, Par-lors, 26 Main Street, Thursday, Sept. ISlb. Hours, 2 to fi, and 7 to 9. Ladles cordially Incited. dlt U.MOX PACIFIC SYSTEM, 2tTt.i- TAIX DITD.I0X. Ou tadafltrittmJav,SepLlUk, 1S90, Tram Utietrn Salt Lake ami Garjltlit ntattn:i run CI foilOKt! LftATe Arrlre I LttfC ArrtTSml alt Late Utuerteld' UuliM. a!t Laic UleaflSl.c.'wtp.m.: HOjvm. I- uu. ll)a.n. -1-llp.n. tia3vta. :i3ri- aoopoa. a 10 p.m. Uisjl Sunday excepleiil Tickets forSale In Wasatch Building. Build-ing. 2T1 UIn Street, and at Depot. Faro for the round trip, 50 cents. S. W. Eccxrs, O. P. A.. Salt Lake. BackUaArairKiiMTC Til Bkst8alvk In the wcrld foi CuU, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers. Salt RheuDi, Fever Bore-, Tettor, Chap pedhaudi. Chilblains, Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Plies, or no pay required. It U guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, satis-faction, or money refunded. Price 23 cenU per box. For sale by A. C BmlthiCo. Buy your drugs of "tlie boys," Johnson, Pratt A Co.. 19 Main si, Armltf JftrL Dr. David Kennedy, or Rondout, N. Y.. the famous Surgeon ana Physician, tiaa sent u a copy of hit Book, "How to Cure Kidney, Liver and Blood Disorders." It Is a work-which work-which should burend In every home, tar the value of the medical leaaona alone, it contains also many life I Illustrations, and two fascinating I sbirltafrom the widely known au-l thor "Ned Buntline." Any one sending their addrn-s with name of this inper to Dr. Kennedy, will receive re-ceive the Book free by mall. IVIIIUna' MimlL b Herb rilWe. Ul-ou are Yellow, Bullous, con rtifatcd with Headache, tod breath drowsy, no appetite, look Cat you! Liver Is out of order. One lox or these Pills will dnreall the troubles away and make a no? being of you Price S3 cents. Won Co-op Mecr. lait. Drug DrpL, Agenl (11a Satire la Our falran. Not having any Telephone, our customers will plea-e leave orders at MargetU' Bro's. Book Store, or at Phillip MargetU' Wine Depot for MargetU' Ale and Porter, also for Malt and Hops. Estate of R. B. Ma ro errs. No. 29 SOUTH. WEST TEMPLE TEM-PLE STREET. Is whoro wo aro now doing business. Wc havo a full lino Of HOME MADE WOOLEN WOOL-EN GOODS, WHOLESALE and RETAIL, and mako Conts' Suits to order from otir ColobrAted Cass'moro. Shall bo ploased to Seo old and now patrons. JOHN C, CUTLER & BRO.. AGENTS, PROVO and DESERET DES-ERET WOOLEN MILLS, Opposite Op-posite Grant Bro's Co. Stables. Sta-bles. ruilftrd's llnrrhannd KjroD. We guarantee .It to be Ihe UU Cough Syrup manufactured In the wide worlJ. This b saying a great deal, but It is true. For lomurrtp 'mi, Vtvgbi, Vut(U,S re Threat, Sure Jkttt, lluumonia Lronehitit, Attn. bio, Lruup, II huajng Ubvh, and all alMrafcr of tbe Thrcct and J urgt w r JjoKfireAfffvamnfre Ballard's llure-bound llure-bound Srup to be without any equal on tile w hole faceof tile glebe. In support of tMs stitrraent we refer re-fer to every individual who has ever u-t-J It, and to every druggitl who has ever sold it. Surh evidence is ludlspuUt le. SjU by .. C. M. I. l LUIIard'a Know I.lulmrnl. ThU wouarrful i.lulmeat W known fmm the Atlantic to the Pacific and from the Lake to the Sulf. It is the mri fecetratlog Liniment in IhrwnrlJ. It will curt itheumatlfh'. Niurlg'a Sj ralur Bruises, Cum U flint's Old Sort Burns. StiJtirii. Sore Trroat, Hon L'htstand iH Ii fl.inmn'l-li, niter ail others haie failed. It will curt Barbed Wire CuU hnd he-ll aP wounds where proud ll.vli h4s set lu. ItUtqually 'filclert for anl mals. Try ll an I you will not be w Ithcut it. Prl. e M cetits. Sold by Z. C. M. I. Opralornr I'ablleArboal. Notice Is hereby glvrn that all Hid I-ubllc Schools of ,Slt Lako City, with the excvptlon of tbe Fourteenth, will open for the First Term on Monday, Sept. loth. Tuition lire. J. F. MrLLSPArcir, d2 Hupt. of Schools. Ttir Aew I)teavrr7. cu tiavehearJyour friends and nrlgl.l-oin talking nlout it. Yoe maj be one of the many who know Irvm personal exrtrience Jut how good a thing It Is. If you have ever tried it, you arv one of lu staunch friends, because tlie wonderful thing about It Is, that when ouce given a trial. Dr. King's Now Discovery Dis-covery ever after holds a place In the house. If you havo never used it an should be aftllcted with a cough, cold or any Throat, Lung or I Cocat trouble, secure a tattle at I once and give it a fair trial. It U I guaranuial every time, or money j refunded. Trial Bottles free at A. I C. Smith & Co. 'a Drug Store. ( aaiaaaaaaBaaaaBaaBaaBaaaaaBaaaaaaBaaaaai Tno New Sofa Bed l tbe best tit Offices) and Physicians. sTatlee aa Lxravalots. Proposalsforeicavatlngfor North Portion of Brooks' Arcadr Builuing wiilrf bfr .received at our orfice. 'lans, andspeciacatlOM now ready at Room 602. Progress Building. DxiJLASi Hemes. d2t Architects. The Patent, sofa Btxl at Sand-berg's Sand-berg's Furniture Co., U as flue Parlor Par-lor Sofa ai can be found. Come andaee It. IPS W.. South Temple. H. DINWOODEY IS READY FOR BUSINESS AGAIN. And will bo pleased to havo tho public generally and all his old" customors call and seo him at Gaidar's Music Palaco, (tho Calder Estate having kindly allowed him to use part of their storo), where he has oponod out a Now and Beautiful Stock, of Carpets and Parlor "Furniture. "Furni-ture. All ordors will rocolvo most caroful attention. He still has tho 6 5 employes with him ready to oxocute any order. GIvo him n Call. If yon want to be Uealtby, Wealthy and Wise deposit your money in tbe Utah Commercial and Savings Bank, 22 and 21 K, First South 8trett. and get 5 per cent interest per annum, com pounded four limes a year. Capital Capi-tal $2OO,OO0, tf arplus $20,000. Wanted one ton Beeswax, Joiisriis, l'vrr & Co. rmldrnt Britrhaaa Tfut'f teller. Ills my intention to compile all my falbet'slef iters for publication, and I will be greatly obliged to all thorn who have such letters if they will kindly forward them to James . Little, care Juvenile Jmtruetor Q&cc. Bait Lake City, that bey maybe correctly copied. All such tetters will bo most carefully handled and returned safely to the owners. Respectfully, J As John W. Yooo. Ttta Vint Step Perhaps you aro run down, can't eat, cant sleep, cant think, cant do anytldng to your satisfaction, and you wonder what ails you. You rhotild heed tho warning you ore laxlHgtKS first cVp into Nervous Prostration. You heed ths Nerve Tonitand ln Electric Bitlerzyca till find the exact remedy for restoring your nervous system to IU normal, healthy condition. Surprising rendu re-ndu follow the use ot thU great Nerve Tonic and Alterative. Your appetite returns, good digestion U restored, and the Liver and Kidneys resume healthy action. For said at A. C. Smith AirCo'a drug store. S Dr. J. Thomas. Dentist, Herald Block, corner west and 1st South si., S. Ii. City. Vitalized air administered. d WASTED. A GOOD OIUL TO WORK II THK lushes, at 43 a. Tblrd Eul Street. ttfrn Rnrhan and first South 9l. 3t -T7ICRM11EI OH UMTJRXISHZD Jj hoof e. near to. .,o fbiMrcn. Refer raert. AdJrrse O, at IkU USrt (lit We traat aaeat. who can make from 1 to f per day scllis;: oar Uoor ristee (alt metal, name ean te pat la la tbrre miBQle. New Poor Relli.lv bite Enamelrit Siaae aid Letcr. Lowell pncea lathrU. H Cats lota free. N. V POOU I'LATK CO U Park Boie.yew York. tt SOT1CK. THERCWilf,rEA STOCKIIOLDEKS Mtctlcg et rfrrklag Me ' i!n op at tierr.oa TutidaT.brpten;rtlrd.lS.at 730 p m A. at. trmttf. g.re'y. LOST. ASOKUEL ItOI-K COLT, i MOVriH p!d, front West Jonlaa.on srdjya.kt ). L,t b-ard at It wu la this ellr. tie tCfn to el A Aadrrtoa. of West Jonlao. and b reHr-tr. tlAfla- tVK AIJVIsK Olllt riMKADS tirHO SEEP ATTTIIINO IV Tits' f CSothiar line to rail apon ta.taa A Ca..(lIiln SL. where mrr wstlCadaweU selected stork of men's aad bovV tntta otcra. tau, caps, thirl. ct at Tf rr low p1eea. This firm Is reliable ani stul trea j urKht dtf AIHK.ETII miTiirnsi. Has wrssurw-a wsfrrtuso svacr fhreldalTaribe ar4 tor rhlfc-rra teeta. mc. It s-sotff ite cMld sofieas tbe irum. sLaf a all pala, csree wind rotle. and l tbn het remeds- for dmrrxe-a. Twenty-iTo 1 ocats x tou cteod wlr I ft T-xfifes. efZOtrOtT toaster, lie rums aid Hitxtkcntbceltbj.to ibat iter MJ la Ihe teeth srmiT It remoses ibo tartar. rites caton. e norrirtl or beanb and r&oaCT.acI wiMter wsd wn aerer reedep. Trj SOZODOStT. ASSESSMENT NOTICE- Tilt silSSOCLX FLACEU M1MSC tampanr. rriarjpsl pare of bosl-aets, bosl-aets, fa t Lake CUr. Ctih. Notice l bcre-brrrTea bcre-brrrTea lift at a reciter of tbe Iro'tree. field on I So lltb day of September. I'OV. aa asfttiaenl cl lire renU per sbare was levied on the rapitsl rlorkofih rorpors-Uoo.ps;aboua rorpors-Uoo.ps;aboua cF troia fVtobcr U. lll. Any stoct spon mhxR tbrs as-eesmrnt mar reaiata nnpil I on le Ulb dtr o: October. If9), will I dellaqaeat an I odrerpsed for salr at pnhlie, aortton, and naless rifrrresi U msde tfarr. -rill tc rnld on tbe h dsr ol Nasenibrr. Is'jo; at S o rJor p.m . e psr tb t!e!lrc,ernt aisrssneat. tolh-r set h cottot adtrrtltler aad -spretrsof ra'e ein jrs t. w. rox. JR.?rrma-j- $500 Reward! TTe will pay th Ut rWaud rr anr rue of IJvtr C Tip-iUt, Ujfpfpjn ticx YleAdaChi. IuJtzrfttni. CnU).un -r T3nf,tiTfX( w - nnrr iith T"l . t eUleUfCr rHI.rCal !l- tfuflifU I w fttxlUlT mk ilr: Tiah. b j arc fnre- I IyjeUbe aal r r(I tj ytT !. I faCUOO. osar nilH I nrx?2 . rns lltalBcfr tlt.--n . Sw-raf rotn tetfeiu iwl imiut - .bat ftaan icnnfirna1 n lr t J ms C WE3rUOlY itlM'A. I I I 8ld br JoiHf.lutr X 4i Itnf Klsu, itl l.i c, n TlHERS WEte"TrlREElTJTTLrl YiOHYAvESXSrZDBd Who alTmade'up thhrminm rigid-lee?'" 0"hat they'd never cook.'morej !fW1RE (3AV2E DOOR VvS NOT E.UT.J0N THEIR OVENSrO.lJlCKLEg'S 1 '' afrfC JWft&k- IF Y0U WANT THE BEST y CHARTER OAK, mijf With the Wire Gauze Oven Doors. :fo:r, s-a.tje sir Z. C. M..I. Solo Agents la Salt Lake City DAVID JAMES & CO., Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fitters. SSAUM IX numbing Material, Pumps, PIpo and FIttlncs, Stsam Heatlnff Supplies, Tin and Iron Roofing, Gs.1- VAnlzad Iron Cornlca, Guttering," Etc GrAItlJrSV HOSE ixaacl JeAWIN' ai?ixrocr.Tcits No. 67 S. MAIN STREET, COHN- BRO'S. fl NOVELTIES FOR FALL! jHl WITH CPECIAI, XSJXJTJCTnvTTiT-TTS XST ' HI KEW DRESS 00008. PLUOS ABE EXTREMELY POPULAR THIS SEASON. jflBl We oPer a Urg Variety of Clan and Combinations In Rough and 'sEHI SnooOi effeeta, at 65 etntr. HBffi 46 Irch all wool Henrietta J at 50c; worth 75c. tSHl Popmir PfiCcd All Wcol HiUrials for HISSES' SCHOOL DRESSES, HH In Plaldi, Slrlpct and Fancy Mixture! at 45 and 50 ecnti. EaHISI 27 Inch Tricot it 206.; aclually worth 30. aaflHIal 24 Inch Fancy Drcu Gocdt at I2vc: worth 20c iaamna E2 Inch All Wool LsdiM' Cloth al 60c. ; 54 Inch ScoUri Stiitmgt atSI.00; good valuelit 51.40. ' aH 50 Inch Franch Broad Cloth at SI 25. IsaHB Take a look In our North Window an asa tha Variety of Towels at 25c. VsB NotMng like II hat ever been teen here. l3H Children's BtaekRibbad Wool Hoia In all tires at25o. Extra good vilun. rSaB Lialss' Guaranteed Statnlets Black German Cotton Hoi at 25o. This IsHB Stacking la (010311 worth double. HaS We orier several lines of Ladies' Dlack Cotton Hots at 50c. a pair- Wo aaaB consider then the best 50c. Stocking in tha land. HH Ken's Extra Hea.r Natural Wool bhlrU and Drawers it 51.50 and S3.00 i)aaaK per lull; 25 per cent under aetuil wsrth. : LHj Ladles' Jersey Ribbed HerlnoYeitiet 40c. laiBsaB Ladles Heavy Balbnggin Ribbed Jersey Vest at 50 and 60c. Pants to ISaaH n a chat 75c. ItUnaatrQ Cklldren'a Sanitary Natural Wool Vestf, Pants and Boyi Orawera, 13 to HaaBll 34, at 25 to 85c. apieee. saaamBtl Mutes' and Boys' Scarlet Lambtwpol Vetti, Pants aidlDrawart, alzei 13 , LaMal to 34, at 80c. to Jl-70s piece. -flaDl Wa place on tala 150 dozen Ladles' Handkerchief at 25c. a piece; aaHrlS worth double. aflaaaH 200 dozen iColored Bordered Handkerchiefs, suitable for echool glrla HByH at 50c. per dozen; extra good value. S9JH Wa Offer Special Inducements to-"' tfJEaBal WHITE AND COLORED BLANKETS, HE at 52.50, 53.00, 54.00, 55.00, 57.50 and itpwarda. wBt Coofortl of Extra Good Values at 51.25, 51.85, 52.25, 52-30 and upward,. BuS Down Qallta at 56.00 to 517.50. .taaS CQHjBROS. I F. AIMA1 & Bl I Noyelties for All Our Departments JR ARRIiriNG DAILY, j 4 The Large Addition we are making ' & to our Store upsets our Departments con- IjH siderably. and in order to Compensate our ' Kl Patrons for inconvenience, ".ve have made Wk SPECIAL PRICES 1 EVEN O N OUR W& NEW GOODS! M .ItvMvs offering our Regular Stock at ijlJB such Cut Prices, that it will pay every 3 jH Lady or Gentleman having to buy Dry -n fioods. Carpets, Children's Clothing or jB Furnishing Goods to call at our Mammoth H Establishment before purchasing, S Silks in Black and Latest Shades 1 AT LESS THAN NEW YORK PRICES. WM CSfcALL AND BE CONVINCED. . 1 WE ARE NEVER UNDERSOLD. ONE PRICE TO ALL. ESTABLISHED 1864. V F. AI1M & Bl 1 rurchuen ot MS SCHOOL I BOOKS I Supplied with School Bijr, Rulcra and latltta il)LH fFREE! ; I duncan m. McAllister i co's I 9T9'S. ftlain Street. j IS7- Our Stock includes ocrytIiinpr required by IS DISTRICT SCHOOLS, UNIVEJtSITY and COJL , M LHGT1 Students. Also, tlio most complete assort- h ment iu Utah of Standard Books, Periodicals, Stationery, Toys, Dolls and Novelties, 4 VJHOLESfil-E AND RETAIL. -WS 'M SUPPLIES for OFFICES, ARCHITECTS & TYPE W$M , m laaBol! I;' & liJJtlk-atVj rffjLjBiB |