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Show DEPUTY. MAMMALS, iaid to Ilaro TalraJtaat; ForThf I!rlrae of a I'rlseoer. 5'eslerday (Saturday) mornlcg a serious affair was unearthed, al-tlibugh al-tlibugh the !!! have been ssoik-in ssoik-in on it for twovdays.. All kinds of rumors were flying arcuad Uie streets regarding the in titer, and a reporter called on Mr. diaries Morris, Mor-ris, proprietor of the Central IIoU-1, whom the first rumors named as pne of the parties most deeply interested. in-terested. Asked forTitg.t.mc of the 4nry, he gave It sulatanbsllr as follows: JV. Udy friend of Mr. Morris, who lives in a fratno bouse ou Graut Avenue, "had asked the loan of same money in order to purchase a piece of property on which to errect her a hozie. She had, in company with a real estate dealer, looked over the City for a suitable place, and at last decided on one that suited her. She aikcd Mr. Morris to come to her home tlie evening of the 10th inL and lie, after making known tlie fact to his wife, went in company ivitii the real estate arent, to the house. Tliey became interested iu tile talk about houses and lots and did not no'icethelllghtcf time un til on looking at the clock Morris dixuve-red that it was uear'y mil-nighL mil-nighL There were present in the room at this time besides Morris and tho lady, her brother aud tUter-ln-law. Mr. Morris declared his Intentions In-tentions of leaving and the other went up stair to b!. Just as he Jt to the outside door It was nearlr knocked In by someone from the outside and Morns hastened toun lo it. On oj-enlng it ho was coc-'ronted coc-'ronted by Deputy United .StaUs Marihals McL- llan and Whetstone, ho placed him under arrest for tllegeii resorting to an unUwfui house, which they cliimej thi, was an assertion that Morris iu-llguautly iu-llguautly ilenles, saying that the tarty who resides there is a? gyod am pure as ever lived. Morns was marched out Into the street and when passing the house of ex-l'oiicenuti Johnson, the latter same out and said: "Morris, this matter has got to be hushed up. It .rill ruin you." Morris irknowl. rdge-I that he knew It would. The four then continued down the street Durine; their walk tho marshal and Johnson said tliey would let Morris o and huh tlie thins up for $i. Morris told them he dIJ n t hive that much and Johnson prjiroul JH and the balince iu thirty dsyr. This Morris agreed to give, ami told Johnson to call on him the next day and get the check. Kverythln; being siiisfacuirilv arranged, the ptrty separated. Thl next tUy Ji.hnru called for the check aud got It, bntlu the ro at" while the check hil lieen ordered stoni.t -1 the lun' If- course tile nmiry w2 rrtuseJ and the case thus fir lin dear, Johnson was arrested, as also was Marshal Whetstone, and Uen before Judge Prw'ia. W.ieUt.iio was relca-d on his own recosul rince and Johnsou held In JI5DJ bon Is s!iHi he was unabledn fir nlsh yesterday. It was aho mmorej ti;at the police knew or the rrjp-wej ar--t and watched Mcle.'lau and Wiiet stone so to the lieuc to arrest Morri One of the police ssas seen lat lit ghi and sild that the a'je wh "straight gooJs" nraoruiiig u Uh knowle-lg-. Purtlier tlian this the CltyoMI-ialdecllii-lo talk. Marehal Whettone coiill nut be found and when. Jot heanl from Marshal Mell'an was in the north country hunting for Hogere, TheT eU'e conies up aud the I re-Jlmlnarx re-Jlmlnarx examln.tiou r li be helj Qroiidayrwlfenajma InC r-ttog facti ruay be leinied. Ojdcn SUnntard. |