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Show Apoatlea or Anarchr ClUCA00,43ept 14 The apostle of anarchy are just now at revolt among tbe memter uf the Pioneer Aid nd Hupfort Society, which threaten to dethrono, their two goC-destes, goC-destes, Mrs. A. It- Parson and Mrs- C. Spies, wife and mother respectively re-spectively of two of tbo executed anarchists. borne Unto ago tlie Central Itbor Union, wbicli is a federation of Ger man trades unions in the city, pretested pre-tested against tbe further payment of semi monthly pensions to those two women. No action was taken, and the aUacr was renewed today, the Central Utbor Union presenting evidence that both Mrs. Spies and Mrs. Parsons were comiaratlvely offl owning real estate and having other sources of Income. Theft! trcro many red hot speeches, speech-es, but tbe vote resulted in the continuance con-tinuance of the subsidy to tko women. wo-men. The prevailing sentiment seemed to be that if the names of tbe women, which are drawing esrdf furaubscriptIons,were stricken from tbe rolls of the association, tbey might as well disband, for it would no longer be able to collect assessments to pay ether beneficl-rjes. |