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Show FLOODS SUBSIDING fttr 'Hitlna- Done ConIJerble Damaje to lite Croix. LONDON TO BE P30TECTED BT FORTIFICATIOnS, Oae Hundred Uborrrt roboae-J froni, Camslre Drpotlti In Tra Trns Unrltaned. THE SON Or A MILLIONAIRE CAPTURED. Hie Kn'shs or Lab3r Saj Drpeir Hat Trie J to DrA-at the EITirU or Labor. Telexrapk u lie Mn I Karlona Tlinra. riTTsBLiui, Sej 1. 13 Tiieraln In his wclion has ceated. The watcre ire high an J are r!inK at the head rateiv, liut no more damage la rc-.ortoj. rc-.ortoj. A cloud-burst occurred lat light at trondale. In a few mlnult he people living In the lower por Ion of town Were compelled to tlec Hlirhrirro'iniU. Several narrowly narrow-ly escaped death. Advices fturu nil sources iu the Ulegheny and lu the northern dlt-ricts dlt-ricts allow Uiat tlio high waters are flibsidlog, though nit without considerable con-siderable damigd having teeii in dieted. A water epout In Akron, )hto. Iat.t night, Rullied the hill trta. while the Urects on the (lata iae been lofty tTasbc-i odi, caJ Iieloftion rrnpetty hero will l so large that a special meeting of Uil Ity council will be calleJ to device neaures for repairing tlie extra-rdiuarj extra-rdiuarj damage. AMSrEKDAH, X. V., Sept 13. For Ave conecutive days It has etn raining in Mohawk Valley. Both Schoharie Creek and Mohawk iliver haruoverflaued tuelrbanks, ind the water is still rising. iZarly ruit la raiting on the tree, the armers Wing unable to pick in con equcuct of the rain. The wcathvr u ery bad for hop harvesting. Mocirr MoRins,X. V.,t?ert. 13. The heavy rains which began Sep-tember Sep-tember 9th, and lasted three day; oave liad the effect of raising the 3eneeo ltivcr and Its tributaries to the hlght of last spring. Thousands ofaens of potatoes, beans and corn n the ground will be ruined. Many Macks of hay on the Genesee lit be partially ruined. The a-eallicr is still threatening, ami -liould more rain fill, tlie damage vbich is alnady estimated at conn JlOOfal tii Uie crops alone, will U greater yet. |