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Show SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSiSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS Member of Utah State TtztTS natiouu aovhtisino iimstmAJivi ft) $ Press Association -CSr ft) and RWL 1 ) I k NATIONAL EDITORIAL j Published Weekly By ( JV At Springville, Utah ft) w Entered as second class matter at the post office in Springville, Utah, under the act of March ft SJ 3, 1879. Springville ia a city of 7,000 population. It is particularly noted for its famous Art ffl W Exhibit and road-building contractors. Springville has a greater concentration of these con- ft) tractors than any other city in the United States. Its chief industry consists of a steel plant, cast $ & iron plant, creosote plant, canning factory, powder plant, extensive farming and fruit growing, (f VQ stock raising and lamb feeding. , ft 8 Subscription In Advance, Per Year $3.00; Per Copy 10c ft 8j Springville Herald Staff: DEAN BIRD Compositor W $ HARRISON CONOVER Editor, Manager DAVID BURNS Compositor ft) MANILA BROWN.-Assoc. Editor, Circulation CARLOS RIFE.. Compositor S WOODROW WEIGHT Sports, Advertising WESLEY ROBEY Pressman 8 ffi MARGARET CONOVER Proof Reader ORVAL SINGLETON Pressman 8 ELMER SIMS Advertising Salesman CREED WEIGHT Stereotype, Mailing ft w VERN HARDY Linotype Operator LENN SINGLETON Stockroom Supervisor S ffi NEAL RICHARDS Linotype Operator MARTIN CONOVER Printers' Devil |