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Show Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Huish and son John and a friend, Wayne King from Berkeley, Calif., have returned return-ed to their home after a week's visit in Utah. In Springville they were guests of Mrs. Huish's sister sis-ter and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Conover and family and also spent some time with relatives in Provo. While in Salt Lake they visited with Mrs. Huish's Hu-ish's mother, Mrs. M.W. Bird and sister Carol. Mrs. Clara Jean Hall is in Long Beach, Calif., where her husband, Mark F. Hall will be stationed until un-til he receives his orders for overseas over-seas duty. It was like a California missionary mission-ary reunion for Delia Mae and La-Mar La-Mar Holmes the past week when people from California came for the LDS general conference. Visiting Visit-ing at the Holmes home were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hughes of Bak-ersfield, Bak-ersfield, Calif., and son Gene attending at-tending the BYU and , daughter Ethelyn Peterson and baby of Ephraim, Mr. and Mrs. Merwin Biggs and three children and Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Bellamy of Los Angeles. Friday they went to Salt Lake City to the California Missionary Mis-sionary reunion where they saw their mission president and other missionaries. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Payne entertained at dinner Tuesday Tues-day evening for Mr. and Mrs. Merwin Mer-win Biggs and children and Mr. and Mrs. LaMar Holmes. Mrs. Payne and Mrs. Biggs were companions com-panions on their mission. Mrs. Ray Scovil is in Moab this week on business and a few days vacation trip. |