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Show Cannon, newspaper columnist, will discuss etiquette and other problems prob-lems common to the age. She is reported to be one of the most interesting in-teresting speakers in the state and well worth hearing. Scout Meeting Elwood Loveridge reports also that the next district Scout meeting meet-ing will be on April 15, the leadership lead-ership meeting on April 21. ? Ti7 ! Hii'i'w mm ih'i mini M.I.A. News ... Another evening of square dancing danc-ing is announced by the stake MIA for Friday evening, April 10, at 9 p.m., in the Stake House. Calling Call-ing for the square dances will be Elwood Loveridge and Arnold Loveridge Lov-eridge arid Elden Carter. The round dances will be called by Cleo Naylor, Max and Thelma Beardall and Wilbur and Leona Allan. All adults of the wards in this city and Mapleton are invited to these dances. Stake Danco The last dance of the season, sponsored by the MIA is planned for Saturday evening, April 18, in the Stake House. MiaMaids and Explorers ' A special meeting is planned for the Stake MiaMaids and Explorers in the Junior Sunday School room of the Stake House on Tuesday, beginning at 7:30 p.m. Members of these two groups comprising boys and girls in the 14 to 16 age group, will be ex- j cused from regular MIA , classes ; to attend the meeting. Miss Elaine |