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Show National Jaycee President to Speak Before 23 Clubs Here This Evening Horace E. (Huck) Henderson of Williamsburg, Va., national president of the Junior Chamber of Commerce, will address delegates from 23 clubs in : this area together with members Top Jaycee .... f ''.V'---."V-:;"'--'!E 1 t X $ s; V..L:4ilf::ilsv' ! . ,.'' ; ; of the Springville Lions club and the 20-30 club, this evening, Thursday, Thurs-day, at Memorial Hall announces President Bud Done. The meeting is planned for. 8 p.m. and those men who have not secured their tickets may get them at the door. Reservations have already al-ready been made for 300 men. The visiting speaker will tell of his travels around the world and across the nation during his final year in promoting the interests of the Jaycee organization; By the time his term expires in June, he will have traveled 200,000 miles on his mission for the Jaycees. . A highlight of his visit here will be the presentation of a fine oil painting by Oliver Parson in behalf be-half of the local club. Bud Done will be toastmaster. The national president became acquainted with Jaycee work in Orlando, Fla., in 1946. In 1947 he-returned he-returned to his home in Williamsburg Williams-burg and organized the first club of his state. During the year, his club won the award as- the outstanding out-standing club in the nation. He ' has advanced steadily in club work, serving in practically every office in state and nation. He has also given service in various civic organizations in his city and state, all of which he gave up together with a fine realestate business to devote his time entirely to Jaycee work a year ago. Horace E. Henderson |