Show western students in eastern colleges college among 11 the many things 0 ver over which their has been a friendly rivalry between harvard and yale for Y years ars is tho the matter ater of drawing students from the west twenty years ago yale had much the larger number lumber of students from the western states the catalogues cataloguer catal for 1871 2 showing the presence at yale of 37 students from ohio indiana illinois kentucky missouri wisconsin iowa owa and michigan and at Harv harvard aril of 39 students from the same states though harvard had none from missouri or iowa ohio and illinois led in the number tho former sending 35 to yale and 26 to harvard and illinois sending 21 to yale and 6 to harvard ten years later El harvard arvard showed a very marked increase though having none in michigan she had in the other states previously named with the addition of minnesota ta 71 students while the number at yale from the same territory was 93 As before the maj majority mity of the students came from ohio and illinois is the former sending 22 to harvard and 27 royale to Yale while illinois sent 18 to harvard and 35 to yale at the end of the third decade in the year 1891 2 each ach e university showed a large increase the ratio at El harvard arvard being greater than that at yale in that year yale had students from the states named and harvard ISO ohio sent 36 to harvard and a 37 7 to fco yale illinois 44 to harvard arvard El and 51 to yale missouri IS 18 to harvard and 23 to yale aal e and minnesota which twenty years before had bad no boys in either university sent 13 to harvard and 12 to yale students in the sheffield scientific Menti fic school were not included in these computations now new haven letter |