Show the ideal japs miss georgie georgia cayvan the tha leading lady of the newyork new york lyceum company has just returned from a vacation in japan and is ia bubbling over with information concerning that country she says in no country is ia domestic service 6 so nearly perfect no insole insolence nee no shirking but absolutely satisfactory and timely service when a hostess desires I 1 to give a dinner she calls her servant and says four or whatever the number of guests may be pieced man dinner today that is ia all sufficient the dinner will be ready on time and will vui bp bo a meal of which delmonico would not be ashamed and it will be economical economically lk done too there will be plenty but nothing will be left hardly a crumb will remain when the dinner is ended there is no odium attached to domestic labor and it is as often performed by men sa by women she spoke of a boston lady who upon returning to this housekeepers pari paradise dise I 1 I 1 after a visit to her native city was so delighted that she felt like embracing the I 1 Isam sam epan man mana who came to row her ashore A woman in the sch school 0 01 board the possibility of usefulness as members of school boards has been I 1 ably demonstrated by mrs tifft of the buffalo board whose discrimination and judgment are greatly valued by the men with whom she has worked harmoniously ever since her appointment when the order reached the board of examiners that they were expected to prepare questions for the newly appointed gar tener the men were ill prepared on the seventh gift of the development bof of child nature and knew nothing of the science fici ence of froebel and but the woman exi ex i r than y 9 L aitto 0 UL llott UI ly appropriation for hinder kindergarten garten work had with womans comans quick intuition and sincere interest in her duties studied the subject thoroughly communicated with the public and private instructors of note anil and came to the front serenely in the e emergency with a comprehensive and intelligent set of questions question s of kindergarten principles and history new york sun san it is said that the mother shipton or high pointed crown hats will be fashionable this winter these however will never be so eo pretty or becoming as the Gains boroughs |