Show I 1 k S office hours ato 9 to 12 a m 2 to 4 p rn 4 A he curtain A in PHYSICIAN fand ac gea V deoffice EC jE Office palace alory lit I 1 block mouth gouth first ward fleeting house Rat E R rc dephone no office no as 28 UTAH drs H J richards AND I 1 F Y W taylor pit physicians YS iciano asid and surgeons omes at their residence T tha 4 a f former otal reaid residence ence of dr pike F F r y 1 F REED BROS Dent dentists ism have hava all modern modem instruments for the practice LETIC DENTISTRY artificial artificial 7 CROWNS BRIDGE WORK A SPECIALTY 99 ast all al work guaranteed guaran teca teea rasmeo 14 0 bank provo dr rip ul I 1 J I 1 I 1 li K a dentist electric gas administered when do de tired alred teeth 4 d by it ditl without out pain all kinda of di atal work in the best bast and latest all work from his date will he be guaranteed according to agreement or ar the maey money will be refunded rooms kooms no 2 and 4 bank Buil guildig buildt Bu ildi dig provo city utah r I 1 kiefl W WOODS 7 I 1 FI N 13 1 office in ia national bank of comerce PROVO UTAH I 1 Js J W N I 1 4 aitto ir R NEI V A TV ooma li 11 and 1 effrat 12 First build ing arrovo chit UTAH i DON C JOHNSON s X AT LAW offida at city hall SPRIN I VILLE aville UTAH I 1 1 filliam ff ILLIAM 0 1 11 HOUTZ X i 11 C 1 1 H 0 TJ T Z attorneys at law loois 5 and 7 firs N Ni tiona bant bank building CIT Y UTA stati R 7 E H booth E A wilson A labooth BOOTH WILSON I 1 ATTORNEYS AT W and land office aghita ago Agi nta ita 0 23 2 3 N J street brovo CITY UTAH T I 1 1 V 9 A A 1 I I 1 N N N I 1 TIN V 1110 ATTORNEYS A ATTORN EYd lt T LAW bank building Buil diug PROVO CITY UTAH E E D UDLEY 9 attorney at law room 9 bank building PROVO CITY UTAH A G BU sutherland THERLAND I 1 attorney at law t office in gates snow block opposite court hause PROVO CITY UTAH A E V hy ATTORNEY Y AT LAW criminal I aw air a P specialty room bonn 3 union block brov city utah R a W A T ENS architect and superintendent lent office no 1 union block bloc k provo SAM S A I 1 4 iba 4 p I 1 D ra dRS ami LUDINA 31 AN 2 m mm ih a PROVO UTAH ir n i ir r P F ill aul iti str BK return 0 TEN CENTS will be ba given for ovary every amr gillon keg BRANDED Calif unia company com panya delivered at the palace US R fal SINES ATES AND 0 RIJN X I 1 wr we are prepared to receive orders ordera ir r make contracts acta for buildings Ban dings of 0 all descriptions Es timatea brn ishad an application i we havo have the facilities for luring the best aud and naoso doralla qualities of ill lu any ady gna quantities samael 1 sinard a co UTAH FP bovo povo I 1 rh r H I 1 a EN IN VIR ER 10 19 1893 TIIE THE MORNING COCKTAIL taken before be ore breakfast creata it a false alss f injurious appetite A wineglass ful fal of dr Hen henleys leys english dandelion tonic taken be before ore meals strengthens tho the digestive organs and enables you to relisha relish a hearty weal without injury to sti qa liver Coin plaint the chies eidet ot ahm disease are depree depression sio n or spirits foul on co coated abed tongue bad tasting int cintli mint u ii li disagreeable breath hr catli dry alsin with bloth clothes and 0 eru tiona sallow comp lection and yellow eyes tired aching shoulders dull d ull pain in right side faintness faint nesa diz dizziness mess anti and irregular bowels this abia ca complaint in all of 0 its forms can be ba readily cured by taking dr gunna ganns Jui improved proved liver pills as ag directed and a lingering linLer ing spell of bickness will often be wp warded crded off by their use sold at 25 cents a box by evne amarben ak 0 K T honest results Ke 0 K T many of ane pioneers ot oregon and washington have cheerfully cheer fally testified to the wonderful curative properties of the oregon kidney tea purely vegetable rege table and pleasant to the taste and ap t e taken by the youngest child or must most delicate woman 0 K T is a never failing rs ady for pains in the back and loins noi na retention of urine balding or baritou bari tiu sensation while urinating rina ting docous discharges an aej J ill ell i ey cv troubled lep of eitler either sex ees 1 at all atz inesta sta I 1 I 1 undisputed authority tte attic united uni ted states says th t onions are a stimulant diuretic and expectorant they increase the appetite elite and promote digestion the flipe juice made into syrup has a specific action on aba throat lungs and air passages it not only cures coughs i croup and consumption tion but its stimulating effect strength strengthens strengths ns and builds up the system afterward As a tonic and restorative it has no BO equal rye V e solicit a trial atrial in the most chronic and stubborn cases price 50 cents sold by pyne Ma maiben ilien arr the he past pasi two or three years hs ieca I een subject to cram cramping pains in I 1 I 1 W A blad ih ho tomac be effye mr wui vill i 1 lifard liar ware are merchant of boonville blonville dallas 11 co cn iowa 11 I 1 have tied a num 1 pr er of alifi rent fremed Ps the best beat one wa I 1 n and J jaryc xa remedy one or fw w dacas of sold by pyne it cures cares me maiben lear early liMin til maal I 1 both common observation and d the closest closes scientific study hava bave raab it t plain that youth is the period ad of tense Aseen dency from thil thi mast important follow which we w cabaot ignore agnora paying a avy amal penalty ty attention hag beon been called to 6 the want t in order to show that prior to all school essm elu education cation nature assorts herself and cointa alto way vay in which the human brain and mind min develop an any 7 education oddo td that overlooks these facts is directly the alio organization we possess em aud and against must be ba more or low less of a failure 1 11 jr W wa eg ley milla 11 D iri in popular science monthly miles nerve and liver pills act on a raw nw princ principle itle regulating i the liver kal bowels ph the norves nerves A new discovery diB covery dr miles pills spee dilly core billious ness bad avate torpid I 1 I 1 iver piles constipation unequaled for men women children grna liest mildest surest 1 60 50 doses domes 25 centa ples free at I 1 ane calben I 1 sa a huckless 3 arnica calvd oal I 1 s the best salve halve in the world for cuts bruiser Brn Bru isea bores ulcers salt rheum feyer fever sores tetter chapped hande chilblains corns ani and all skin eruptions and aad positively cnapp piles or no pay required it is guaranteed te tc give perfect satisfaction or money r prica 25 cents per box fur for salo by pyne sr maiben A bure cure tor lor riles aile 5 itching piles are known knorn kno rn by moL moisture sture ake like perspiration causing inte intense nae itching ins when warm this form as aa well as blind bleeding and protruding yield at once to dr Bosa P pile le fremed comedy which acts directly on en tile it arts effected absorbs tumors allevi itching and effects a permanent cur we druggists or mail circulars free dr bosanko Bo arch SL st chilade Phi lade phia phi a pa sold ld by pney malben in buying cough conch medicine for children sacs bays H HA A walker a prom anent druggist of ogden utah never be afraid to buy chamberlains cough remedy there is ia no danger from it andrelie and relief fis ia always sure to follow I 1 particularly becom recommend mend chamberlains because I 1 have found it to be ba safe and reliable it is intended especially tor for olds croup and whooping cough 50 cent bottles tor for sala tv bv evne MR FACE HE FORTUN FORTUNE B a commonly said of tamola beauties 8 she ahe who uses with artistic taste W wib I 1 loins famous robertine has fortune in tho possession oos session of a comp complexion lexin to which nothing but the blush of the rose or DC the freshness fres uness ct cf the lily can be 19 compared this preparation is just what it is claimed to bs bathe the most delightful toilet article and only perfect beautifier known read bead tha testimonials from amous artiste celebrated chemists and prominent physicians JAP al 1 4 M 9 M 11 N i t 04 0 4 9 T an m LA Z wm A new and complete treatment consisting ointment in capsules also in box and pills a positive cure for external internal blind or bleeding itching chronic recent or hereditary piles and many other diseases and female emale weaknesses it Is always a great benefit to the beneral hellm the first discovery ofa of a medical cure re federine derine lne an operation with the knife un nn ne cesary hereafter be this remedy has never ten heen known to fall all tl 81 per box 6 for or 5 sent by m 11 why suffer from this terrible dis a written guarantee rantee la I 1 positively given with a 6 boxes to refund th the money if not curtit cur nd stamp for free sample guar antee issued 0 smith to co wholesale and retail d bU ru gfa t sole aguilor agi Utah Salt lake dae w rale FAIR WOMEN ml kil bright beautiful and wom women en are made more charming by tb the the artistic use of wisdoms famous robertine it enlivens enliven s the mod moat lar beauty by adding freshness purita and brilliancy to the complexion IF YOU WANT lantto TO KNOW at ABOUT THE WORLDS FAIR F A IR and ad A d to be ba KEPT POSTED in regard to the same from now until next december vou su should subscribe for TU be weekly aliv TV e W r 1 inter 11 I 1 to if I 1 ev I 1 r WE ocean mf THE TEE WORLDS PAIR FAIR for tha 0 NEST MONTHS will bo ba of absorbing interest to every everybody bo dy and THE TEM UTTER num OCEAN intends maldag A SPECIAL FEATURE OP OF IT A corps of STAF STAPP P PORTERS REPORTERS RF will devote their attention to the exposition and d the readers of the Weel sly inter ocean wm will in each issue have a synopsis of au all happenings and features of interest ori on the tha grounds and elsewhere wit with illustrations TH department MUM I 1 CURIOS FRO SHOP THE ron FARM FAEM AND ani ad til all I 1 hieam 1111 WILL BS BE ASB IMPROVED owing to the fact odthe of the change in the political cal character cl of f the national administration NEWS FROM TRE THE pocol POUn CAI WORLD wm wahba be of unusual interest THIS V BE POUND FOUND COMPLETE ni IN TIRE THE INTER kcf OCEAN AX in fact it Is the tha intention to keep the inter ocean to the front as a paper for the home I 1 and faiai maka it such a visitor as will be fc iViRY or OP SHE ae faar young 7 gr and old to maka ak aee BETTER FV Z be oar enil d avor savor tho price of the bealy tuy ner inter ocean is per year I 1 J the price of the ner later ocean nean is W per year ear the he weekly Is ru TUESDAY S dar tb aba semi EVES T ana 7 sal bard I 1 tor lor aahl copy end and see tor al xii address ras all andars THE INTER OCEAN Chic chicago agal e I 1 I 1 I 1 TO I 1 have hare lieen been studying tho the time tables lea and I 1 find the only proper way to pet get to chi caga lagoja is via the gio eio grande and colo rado radd midland we can leave provo monday 1 rt nt 9 25 ara am arrive at denver tuesday at t k in and chicago wednesday 15 15 p m L aust think of it only two night on the road ith all tho ma scenery thrown in 11 0 o cool ceol lintin mountain lintontin tin canyons no duat d it 1 bohat no hat 1 bant ea nt sleepers Sleep erB i empting I 1 I 1 I 1 y pals and now be c cartful 1 7 C a that curtic keta read rio grands grande wester Weite rif I 1 I 1 and colorado Go lorado call on oa braley MrA IBY I 1 i I 1 ticket agent for the tha rt R G W I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 1 I 1 I 1 q I 1 I 1 RA P fl a W I 1 i n r r 11 ta 3 Q I 1 I 1 CU C U 4 lart 77 I 1 i 1 I I 1 I 1 o it teli 0 15 k I 1 4 1 ia aff I af I 1 ell ei satisfied W 1 fab L I 1 1 1 1 11 1 lk K I 1 L A 1 n E hi 2 5 i ti 1 3 t P i j 1 Z 1 l P R 3 1 1 1 A r 1 r E g 14 C Z 3 1 j s B bat world A I 1 u s e i t i ri ai I 1 and ca ewi i ing S loav IL ONLY I 1 O r by ALL p abye I 1 0 ERS KEEP IT J 3 ST W J a 0 d 0 7 AXI 1 faL is IM AST ANT ANT fiti yiti r r M rn ovo 3 OF steam and horse power and well wel I 1 driving machine S steam team 1 boilers ma I 0 i 1 e r 0 M D engines GM ands of brass asid and iron gron ira A 7 7 I 1 largest stock of pipes and Fitt fittings illg in fiovo gas waterland Wat water erand and steam plumbing promptly ply attended to estimates given t iven on all kinds of iron worl work correspond Corre spon d with us and I 1 get figures figures 0 0 CHA H A Q W M a bygar IM I 1 T 94 S sapt up t N E 1 awl r RD i S 0 on WE R V 0 Y gs 0 1 0 k H T in compounding a solution a put part was occide antly s spilled tied on the band I 1 and nd on washing afterward rd no it as discovered di vered t that 1 t the chair hair as 3 completely removed re we e at once put pur this ibis wonderful preparation an ontra the market marile ind tand BO greata great bu bee been the dm demand Ld that ne are now introducing iu it throughout the world under the name of queens anti clairine IT IS PERFECTLY HARMLESS AND SO 81 SIMPLE ANY CHILD CAN USE 1 IT al lay th the e hair over and apply the mixture tor for a few minutes and the hair disappears as it if by magic va the slightest pain or injury when I 1 applied p or r ever afterward it 1 unlike any other preparation ever used ur tor a like e purpose tb thousands ad of lamps who hare beau annoyed yd with hair on their FACE neckband alck and allas attest its ita merits merim GENTLEMEN who do not appreciates bead or hair on c find a priceless boon in queens auti anti lich does away with shaving ly by rendering dereng its future growth an ut utter impossibility price of queens an 1 tl 81 per bottle sent in luety mailing boxes box l P illge paid by us securely secure lj bealco aad from ober observation send mortey money or stamps by letter with full addre A watten plainly correspondence pon dence lence strictly strict this advertisement Is honest anti ana straight bt forward in evea every word tt it nolence nt contains we invite ii yon to deal with us ns and yo i will find and everything as r cut this t h I 1 oat o t and ld day d y addre addres A s QUEEN CHEMICAL CO race str street er ca cincinnati W 0 you can register your letter at any P post t office to insure its ita nn bate delivery ieli A will pay for any case orfa ilare or bleat injury to any pur char E every ery ry bottle guaranteed Q II 11 to adl lacea who h at d ana d ril 11 amone amon their mends friend 2533 25 bottles otti of f Q queen antl tj ake t art ulfat U we will 11 pl prewit nt with alth a SILK 15 yand b best elst bill extra 1 rr battla aad hafl ua fl ii ewt claux of to select a bent at t with older der babary c 0 o uto to I 1 I 1 B F 0 WIN HRS HAs no equal stands rione alone ns as the CREAT BLOOD PURIFIED Eft and ture for rheumatism MO sarsaparilla now sold is so fully folly en dorbad by physicians Phy Physic ans and druggists complete formula printed on each bottle ask for BROW BROWNS ft 3 sarsaparilla and use boother no other BROWNS BROM blackberry AND GINGER i is deed to lie be the best bast tor lor diarrhoea dissenters Dissen tery and all ah bowel complaint it contains the active medicinal virtues of jamaica Gino Grinyer erand and blackberry roots combined with Ara maties making it an a agreeable n gree able safe and effectual remedy sold by all druggists I 1 I 1 15 i V I 1 E av brict it n W i 3 i I 1 I 1 ak ea I 1 tx i hi i I 1 f I 1 r 11 kal Z C 5 E agn EN g pa r 0 f ff L EF I 1 ia z fk 4 1 1 II 11 1 a I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 f betl la E Is a I 1 E 5 H 01 N P M Q M 1 I c M au 0 t 1 1 11 DO i Z l h 51 9 U W ii Z rl t A I 1 a za I 1 i aw wc c I 1 I 1 adf I 1 I 1 YOU im ill I 1 a ll 11 from now on until further notice we will sell all kinds of building barding material at cost for spot cash we will not be undersold under sold by anybody people desiring goods in our ine will savo save money by calling on us before buying elsewhere call around nd be convinced for yourselves we are also tho the leading coal coa I 1 dealers in provo having constantly of band pleasant valley and rock springs coal delivered to any part of the th city doclar springs nut goal coal only 4 per toa the tha old reliable L M and B aco co 0 OPPOSITE RAILWAY derot DEPOT n M P i k e sa feak roula A I 1 IS |