Show the th origin of profanity trofa naty swearing it is presumed clime came in with the original man for as adam adain was an agriculturist it is not presumed that he was free frea from the trials and tron troubles bles vexation vexations and weaknesses of other farmers tha th a old greetis greeks and romans were most proficient and picturesque swear ers audwert and were accustomed to rattle up their pods gods in the most fluis finished lied style when things tangs coming their way to speak colloquially V it was a cold day when the tha olympian deities did not hoax hear their names taken in vain by the imp impatient anoe mortals alg who pursued their ordinary duties or paved the way to classic t textbooks e m abo 0 ks for future generations this r reprehensible e practice has prevailed d in the latin countries to the present day and the french fre ch wom woman pays mon dieu dien a and aad ad the italian or spanish woman swears by the sacred proper properties ties with as little compunction as octavis octavia or cornelia co rne would have emphasized the name n am e of joye jove or coupled the altar of vesta with an ordinary statement state met of ft fact new N york yoa world |