Show the great creat horse show bacall R mall tho the horse borse show fairly now as between man and nian man which w really on exhibition the veneer family or the horses what did tho the boys about town pay a dollar to see goo w women omen and dudes or horses and ponies why were wera COO paid id for the use of a box boa in the hone show la low six cone consecutive CU five n nights 16 g h tat was it for or love of hoka was it for interest in breeding was as it because of any an y knowledge of thoroughbreds it woul woold 4 be nonsense to say gay so BO everybody Y including the ven venecia e ers themselves knows very well thit that the pe people opla in tho boxes went to show themselves and tho t people un on the tha promenade went to I 1 loob k at the social exhibits howard in new york recorder Ee corder |