Show I 1 avo PATIENTS IN A DISPENSA dispensary ILY A S 11 nay N A y and nd ft wg nig alwan each undergo an operation late one evening a man was seated in the receiving broomf room f one cne of the baries in the lower part of the city he was talking to a young surgeon who had charge of the room and the conversation ltv turned ed to the subject of the tha courage shown by young folks as compared with that hat of adults its all bosh said the vi visitor Aitor about a child standing pain better than a man why it stands to reason hullom Hul lol says the surgeon this it s me the visitor turned and saw two barefooted urchins one about eight and the other perhaps a year younger the elder came in carrying his companion whom he carefully laid on the lounge then he raised himself and said mo me and dannie re newsboys and just now he stepped on a busted bottlo bottle in do de park and cut his foot and n you carried him all tho way from the park here on your back yep 11 the doctor had washed the blood from the foot and disclosed a deep ragged cut about three inches long he carefully washed anres sed it and was about to thread his needle to take a few needed stitches when the patient spoke up for the first time are you goin to bew it doc yes my little man an it cant heal without it oh h hb h hl he lay back and after one suppressed groark p oan the tears which trickled do down wn his cheeks alone told the story of the pain thestle the solo of the fostof foot of acordi an ordinary naw york newsboy ia is not a very easy thing for even the sharpest needle to pierce and the pain of the operation was much increased while it was go ing on a member mamber of the new york firo fire patrol entered and sitting himself in a chair waited with evident impatience patiance im for his turn to arrive the sewing fin lebed the tha foot was vas bandaged and the young took up his burden now how far have you to gora go asked aked the tha lector over to oliver street etwas it was a full halt half mile to oliver bat the tha youth took up his hia burden cheerfully well sir what can I 1 do da for you your laid aid tho the surgeon to the man the patrolman was a magnificent specimen of physical manhood tall broad and muscular well you see I 1 was hitchin up the bosses and they started and throw threw mo ina down I 1 fell on my hand there ho he added as he held out the member it was considerably swollen to find tha cause of the swelling the doctor began to run his fingers along the injured part but he had hardly begun when his wrist was seized in a grip like iron hold on there doe doc that burtal of course it does but I 1 have to find out the matter again he ha tried and again he was pre routed how do you think I 1 can fix your hand when you wont let me find out the matter with it I 1 1 I know that but I 1 cant stand it he began hold his arm a couple of you said the burgeon to the attendants who had come in attracted by the noise the mans arm armaz wan l ald ail and it wax waa fon fonnet A that the hand band had been merely sprained new york tribune lozada fur kl just at this period of the tho the pantomime season is ia rapidly approaching pro aching and actresses particularly those ot of the lighter schools fly to the papers to secure engagement engage menti the current number of the principal journal devoted to theatrical and music hall requirements quire ments contains contain 3 vast numbers ol of advertisements not only of this kind but of every possible requisite for the stags and some particulars of them ma prove interesting there are ladies including both actresses proper and music hall stars major and minor who have vacant date that require filling in addition to these thesa thirty three combinations of sl sisters eleven troops of lady gymnasts one ani trick bi cyclists three fat women tw lady champion rifle shots and a strong lady seek engagements even this does not complete the list twenty tour corn detent lady pianists want something tt tc do nine leading chorus ladies have nowhere to sing sag and four female instruct tors will be happy to teach dancing tt tc v aspiring disciples of chore the male portion of the community u h represented by advertisements I 1 including ini clouding exponents of the legitimate at drama and representatives of the m musk u SIC hall stage to these must be added n aint in t jugglers fourteen fourte eu tight rope walkers and aerial trapeze specialists four strong strona me men n a dozen circus clowns six coneta ors era and a man monkey whatever latter may be there are fifty eight instrumentalists who desire positions ii 11 orchestras and seven amateurs wish tc go on the stage trios families and troops are found in twenty five instances london tit bits the march of mind the two boys eleven and thirteen thir teet teer ye years ars old who snatched a domant pocketbook at the postoffice post office chero fht was writing a money order and the led the policeman a merry chase by hallways and roofs illustrate the march ol of mind when the novelist of oliver vei twist sketched the youthful londot london I 1 criminal with whom he be waw was well ao ac r fainted uain ted he in makes akes him au an expert pickpocket he appears as versatile and ready of wit in doubling and co covering verina his trail but nothing will be fo boand ana I 1 ia his performance that suggests the nevi nem world audacity in its minor field it it of a piece with the duh dash that robs western banks bank sana and holds holda up railway trains train it is the revelation of a mental quality and as such is worthy the meditation oj the philosopher philoa opher now new york evening sun |