Show tobacco users smile sometimes whon when told that t tobacco biacco hurts butts them their wives wires never never do because u shattered atte reff catarrh arh and k chronic cats nerves anrrea wea jeaa k eyes lost manhood man hood tells the st atory lory I 1 it your husband uses lo bacco you TOO wt want him to quit post yourself ILI gibout ut xo no to lo hac the wonderful erfal har harmless guaranteed to bacco habit curf cure hv send for our little hook amok ti led dont Tab tobacco sicco spit and ifft away mailed free drug iru stole po pt beell noto bac THE STERLING REMEDY CO indiana mul eral i springs C harles charles ba baiter of sioux city la ia filed died I 1 a few days ago from the effects of a peanut setting getting in his windpipe and choking urn to death i for vains in the chest nothing better than a flannel cloth saturated with chamberlains chamberlain Is pain balm and hound bound on over the seat of pain it will produce a counter coaster irritation without blistering and is not so disa disagreeable aa mustard in fact is much enuch superior to adv plaster on account of its pain re i leavins leaving qualities if used in ti tima m irwill it will pneumonia 50 cent bottles for sale by pyne maiben t sa 0 ji it evard t or a any n y trace of morphine i cho choral r i 1 I or any other injurious corn com round in Rn Allar g CAP adlisa 25 acts fur for sale isale by smoot drug co i STUDENTS 0 GUIDE T TO BOOK KEEP ING I 1 penmanship L SPECIMENS I 1 LEGAL BLANKS tS SKELTON KELTON 4 CO provo city U utah t ah 7 I 1 WISDOMS VIOLET CREAM the most moat exan into preparation in the world for softening and whitening the hands and face it is not only a annb on b sainte for but bat in every respect super su norto glycerine gly cering cold bold cream vase vaseline ino I 1 end and like preparations arv it i kotlic ce I 1 the prin primary lary associations of utah county who wish to be represented at the he worlds fair with their gra grains ns of sand are requested to forward the th sand to president annie K snoot smoot not later than jan soth 1892 PRATT elake secretary the success of Chamber laina cough remedy in effecting a speedy cure care of colds croup and whooping cough bag ba bt it into great demand de mand air us son of cameron ohio say that it has baa pained gained a reputation se second ond to none one in that vicinity jas 31 bat en of 3 johnson Joh tion W va says it is the best bee t le ha ever used need B F lonee jonea druggist cinova Vi nova M blies says chamberlains Chamberl aini cough remedy is ia perfectly reliable I 1 hav 11 vp nl alvinas ays warranted it and never falle failed i to give g 1 aye the most moat perfect satis batis f action n 50 cent bottles for saly bv pyne A malbon maiben i f I 1 do you know it 1 I 1 A common cough is ia the anost dangerous thing in m the world to neglect a I 1 slight hacking cough is also very dan ferous erous as it always leads to bronchitis ind cu imp tion dont neglect them in sel le us ug a remedy for coughs colds ind Br bronchitis lie be sure ore and get one that ahat is vot not lull of 0 opium and one that v ill not produce cobit bal lards flore lound syrup does not con iti pate remember member rp this it Is perfectly harmless jarr larm aless less for children chialdi I 1 e D a and 12 d its the most soothing and healing heagins throat and lung medicine in the world it cures consumption coughs colds sore throat asthma ithma Af whooping Wh Wb coping cough group bronchitis lio Eeness sore lungs tickling in the th throat and areat ly y strengthens the lungs after pneumonia an u inonia 4 HEADACHE unlike many remedies are perfectly harmless barm lesa they contain no injurious substance and will stop any kind of headache will prevent bEa headaches daches caused by over in fulgence dul gence in food or drink late at night price twenty five fi vecente cents for tale ale by smoot drue co Y N MI 1 A district confer ances on sunday january 22 29 at payson a district conference of the he southern circuit of the Y al 31 1 I A of utah stake slake wi will albe be held bd including the ward ss PH r agn ier A laita S 08 salem Pay spring lake lak ei santa quin and goinn Gos nn A M MI I 1 A concert will be given oia on saturday evening the in the pay son opera house sunday morning at 10 an officers in meeting will be held sunday fit at 2 p m public gr atil and at 7 p m public lecture officers and members are requested to attreed and the public cordially iw izi cited arrangements are being bein made for a similar conference at lehi february y G H J B J W stake lY al AI 31 L I 1 A utah stake blake arl st saam sAin sEirs S ELECTR W 7 V I 1 I 1 I 1 pl ig 0 ai I 1 J rah b I 1 i I 1 11 ill 11 iiii 01 I 1 W ITH S I 1 wy 9 wn m 11 11 ll 6 adist fa f a r of 1 arld fore or 1 ind lier bv drtina a lie barroni debility uon u ai lecul tt api ln larr rr aimy y U ud d bleiler bli der iler pw L altri bj lack d cluce clU ct rm W au haak to till tbt allt it i w Wh dennl X u over L 11 ada r IT ft enby that i cy u j t tta r 6 5 10 d ww ua eunau or r 11 py erl 1 1 ahli intention 1 itter f all 1 abe a bt be awn carts tf othan ht b rd ua HT b conr l c RT 1 II 11 tl a att bird berer vett ata fa az WITH mm AU BELTS 64 6 4 rr for ilia lr LU taa lloud M ap pua HM N adf add 95 x seitei oc 6 skinner kinner block DENVER COL i A A 4 g E A i 4 M I 1 11 13 1 iia I 1 is s 1 is t tle 11 S 4 lair lat of 0 ony comics VO W 4 j f t I 1 ahe lie crowds that filled oi orr r establishment the past weck riel se lesting acting C useful and acceptable XMAS PRE PRESENTS S E 4 N T ea cedat d our most SaD sanguine gUille ue expectations here are arc fi a few things to ie 1 h d of smoking silk neckwear eck ivear K avid id full all dress shirts I 1 silk vests bar coats cook jae jackets kaats gent sippers Sip purs N night adit ra shirts silk handkerchief asni bendere ler all the above at prices which will leave you yon a stir surplus plus C fiATTE 1 Ij P 1 1 k I 1 I 1 asa A 11 19 a r I 1 ir 0 C 1 e r y W U 00 Every everything everything thin in T H E un aery I 1 B 0 ErY W R 11 LIN E constantly in stock we want your trade and wil well I 1 J R R BOSHARD manager you laugh to see your money go for our FALL AND WINTER BARGAINS we sell such good goods and sell them so cheap that I 1 BUYING BECOMES A PLEASURE SEE OUR NEW LINE OF wn cloth ins I 1 m an i admi w cunil i as 14 our shoe department is doing an immense business our dress goods and Trim trimmings minos b delight all our full and elegant line hn e of wraps is a woj wonder ider I 1 OUT oui line of ladies underwear m silk cotton cotten and wool is a wonderful success aim 0 issam Iss wM em dv IL I 1 ai R I 1 A ia I 1 9 a III pi 0 04 ki a ah 11 i W N N sill ak V 49 4 st M az 1 1 1 1 1100 nih UP U P ni I 1 9 W 1 il C I 1 S a I 1 al 11 JU N A x 1 f 1 1 I 1 I 1 X 1 4 OF 4 j r 4 I 1 7 4 I 1 1 7 A 1 DRESS PATTERNS 01 I 1 i anar I 1 R a 1 11 n 9 I 1 apra 0 0 3 AND 4 YARDS FOR FOB 25 lit M fr I 1 a P n e f ohn AT H ets N ER U a I 1 USA I 1 N I 1 I 1 GO TO THE I 1 all AMERICAN ani CN INS T ma 1 I 1 71 I 1 U T eva OF WB PROVO ra Is where LIQUOR OPI OPIUM U af TOBACCO and COCAINE HABITS are permanently cured by the new improved aud aad sam N MINEOR aims doa ED perfect restoration to health assured the remedy being entirely vegetable it posses possesses sea decided advantages over any other treatment the institute is a branch of the american remedy ca cosad I 1 and 9 a recently incorporated company compan with a capi capital tal stock of arwed smoot president W V H dusenberry vice president john 0 grahsm grahm secretary john jl R T treasurer dr F H B simmons Simi 1 IT king and L Rol colbrook brook directors ROOMS 1 2 3 and 4 EXCELSIOR BLOCK PRO va CITY UTAH I 1 E R F fr D BICKFORD medical direktor director Di fector I 1 1 |