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Show APPROVE CITY'S SITE PGR mESERIR Secretary of War Favors Application for Location on Ft. Douglas Reserve. .Information that the city's application applica-tion for a reservoir site on the Fort Douglas military reservation on Fifth South street, Dear Fifteenth East'street, had been approved by the secretary of vrar and had been forwarded to the secretary sec-retary of the interior for final action was received by Mayor .Samuel C. Park yesterday from Major Willis UHne, commanding officer at the fort. The city officials believe that having passed the war department, the application appli-cation will meet with no further obstacles. obsta-cles. Just as soon as the final approval is given the city will call for bids for the construction of the reservoir, which is to be of a distributing nature for the reinforcement of the city's middle water system. This improvement of the city's water system is the most important to the immediate extension of the water supply sup-ply of all the improveriients contemplated contem-plated under the special water bond issue. is-sue. It will insure a bigger supply to a portion of (he city that suffers from shortage during the summer months and will serve to maintain an equal pressure pres-sure at all times. . It will cost about $75,000. For more than a year the city has sought for the privilege of using a portion of the military reservation in the face of strong opposition from the war department, which resented encroachment en-croachment upon the reserve. An urgent ur-gent Jotter, setting out the city's plans for water extension and the absolute need of the reservoir at the place indicated, indi-cated, was sent to Major TJline for transmission to Washington by Mayor Park recently. |