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Show liO FREIBURG Head of Anglesite Mining Company Is Enthusiastic Over Prospects. With sji tuples of ore thnt asa y from sixty to el Khty on noes In silver, taken from one vein, and with others that run from -I to L'n per oent rupper, tnlin from another etn, X. A. L'l.ney, president and seni-nil mansRpr of the Anilesltp Mining otimpiiny, - has rrtinnod from the. camp, enthiLshistic ns to its future. i Mr. Donev ai1 estetd.'iy that ther ' was no tiupstlon as t the nuininnie 'i ' the ore hodles on hoth of tlie veins and 1 added that his people already hud 2 i tuns of the n h hilver ore on the dump. He further said:. Kretlnirfi is in Lincoln county, sixty-five sixty-five Hides west o( FMnehe and. despite de-spite the conditions t ha t nec-ssitn t e the loim haul by Wiicon, vp cull still handle our ores at a profit of from ?'-') to $10 per ton. Hut our holdings are too lare tind the showlnc in too Ki''at to warrant worUiin,' n this scale. M'tthln the next thlrt y days I expect ex-pect to raise funds enough to build a railroad to the mine. Not so had as It sounds, for the Rround ts le el and the cost of j:radint,' will be almost al-most nil. Once the road Is constructed, construct-ed, we can handle our product on a larce scule with a notch larger piotlt than by primitive means. Mr. Poney has for yea rs been an enthusiastic en-thusiastic booster of the mineral resources re-sources of Lincoln enmity, spending most of bis time and lurqo sums of money in the development of property there. |