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Show Coffes Futures. NKW YORK. June V.asier Euro pean cables, reports of sliirht confessions in some of the cost and freight niters. ? nd the increasing Brazilian movement in the .absence of any improvement in trade de-ma de-ma nd, appeared responsible for a more bearish average cf sentiment in today's coffee market. The opening was S to 10 points lower, and t he ma rket clcsed at a net decline of 10 to 12 points under local nnd European selling. Sales. 5,75 has. June. ?,.u,c ; Jnlv, S.Mo; Ausrust, S fi-tc; Peptembor. S.74c; Octoher. Vsr.c ; November, R.f'3e; December. M'hc; Janu-arv Janu-arv 0.07c; March, f 1,-c: May, C.2'"c. 8pot coffee, easy: Rio No. 7, fic; Pantos No. -1. U'c. Mild, dull; Cordova, 12i'?lfc nominal. |