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Show SELLING HEAVY ON NEW YORK MARKET The -New York stock letter of Loyan & Bryan, received yesterdav over their !riva t e wi re, says: Support was nea -live and acute weakness d.-eoped as a coupe i ue nee of dru st ic I iq uiiln ! Ion in special issues and much Ktneial press-1 ure on the Hat. While there whs nuth- 1 inK tangible In the day's news to Recount Re-count for the n irii ressi ve sell i ni; movement, move-ment, siill somehow or other the Impression Impres-sion lias h'come general that the 'lecision of eastern ra te cases s, likely to be somewhat out of keeping with construi--ttve hopes. We have felt for quite some time t hut the buying sides, especially on weak periods, would hold forth the greatest attractions, but hs Indicated In our advices of today, nervousness and hesita ncy are becoming so prevalent a nd influential support of such a negative character that it would seem wise to tr-ad slowly on the buying side until the find i nps In the r a :-tern rn te ses a re triad e known find a better opportunity thus provided of gaucins with a greater 4'sree of accuracy the probable position of manv of the eastern trunk lines, whose statements of earn. rigs rather stiongly supzest that some assistance will be essential es-sential If a safe n.argm over dividend requirements re-quirements is to be maintained. There is no use denying the f ct t hat for Investment In-vestment purposes many issues are Feii-Inc Feii-Inc at an attractive level, hut, of course, with so much unsettlement as there is at present, prices might temporarily see if low-r levels until some encourage men is forthcoming of a kind that in Its effect ef-fect will serve to -stimulate the initiative initia-tive of those prominent interests which have long been apathetic and wiiose state r.f mind generally has much to do with determining the course of events. The state of general trade as Indicated by tlie weekly reviews of the trade journals jour-nals Is far "f rom sa t isfar-tory and this, in addition to other things, tends to ae-rravate ae-rravate a n a I read v acute state of affairs. |