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Show I1 ORDER OF NOTICE THEREON, j, District of Utah. . On this 3rd day of March. A. D. : '' 19H. on reading the foregoing petition ,, A It Is ordered by the court, that a hcar- i. I lug be had upon the same on the 20lh 4 hiy of Marcli. A. D. 19H. before said court at Salt Lake City, In said district, 11 . at 10 o'clock In the forenoon; and that I ?iOticc thereof bo published In the Salt t j Lke Tribune, a newspaper printed in . said district, and that all known cred- ii J itors nnd other persons In Interest may , appear at the said time and place and '.. - show cause. If any thev have,' why the )) prayer of tho said petitioner should not , . . be granted. i And It Is further ordered by the court. ! J that the clerk shall send by mail to all ,;, known creditors copies of said petition ' 1 j ai.d this order, addressed to them at )'. their places of residence as staled, j"; Witness the Honorable John A. Mar- I i . shall. Judge of the said district court. hhu the seal thereof, at Salt 1-ake Cltv. '4 in wild dlHtrlct, on the 3rd day of March, ' !t A, D. 191 1. ,') Attest: JEIIROLD it. LETCIIKR. (Seal of court). Clerk. ' . pCS5 |